2012 ILSI Annual Meeting

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2012-01-20 – 2012-01-25

ILSI North America holds its annual meeting in conjunction with ILSI, ILSI Research Foundation, and HESI.Some of the scientific sessions being organized by other ILSI entities include: biomarkers, developing healthy lifestyle behaviors in young children, and improving the food supply through plant development.

ILSI North America's Sessions at the 2012 Annual Meeting

Sunday, 22 January

ILSI North America Assembly of Members Keynote Speaker
What Did Humans Evolve to Eat
William R. Leonard, PhD, Northwestern University

Monday, 23 January

ILSI North America Scientific Session: Attributable Risk in Microbial Food Safety
Estimating the Number of Foodborne Illnesses and their Sources in the United States
Dana Cole, DMV, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Attributing Illness to Food Using Data from Outbreaks and Experts
Michael Batz, University of Florida

Source Attribution to Human Foodborne Illness Using (Molecular) Micobial Subtyping in Europe
Wilfrid van Pelt, PhD, National Institute for Public Health and Environment (The Netherlands)

Recent European Outbreaks: Lessons Learned
Andrea Ammon, PhD, European Center for Disease Control and Prevention

ILSI North America Scientific Session: Standards of Evidence - Lost in Translation
IOM Standards on Systematic Reviews
Christopher Schmid, PhD, Tufts University

European Perspectives on Evidence Reviews for Health Claims
Albert Flynn, PhD, University College Cork and European Food Safety Authority

Using Bayesian Methods to Separate Evidential Wheat from Chaff
Robert Matthews, PhD, Aston University

Standards of Evidence in Development of Health Policy
Sarah Roller, JD, RD, MPH, Kelley, Drye, & Warren LLP

Detecting and Minimizing Biases in the Evidence Base: Steps to Move Forward
David Allison, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham

ILSI North America Scientific Session: Barriers to Progress with Obesity Prevention
The Calculus of Calories: What Mathematical Modeling Can Teach Us about Obesity
Kevin Hall, PhD, National Institutes of Health