13 January 2025
As 2025 launches a new year of scientific research and innovation, ILSI is thrilled to announce our new scientific journal, Global Perspectives on Nutrition!
ILSI noticed a need in the nutrition field for a general, open access publication, and Global Perspectives on Nutrition (GPN) aims to fill that gap. Published in partnership with Oxford University Press, GPN will provide a platform for high-quality research that advances the understanding of nutrition.
In addition, this brand-new nutrition journal will have a focus on sustainability. Our mission is to publish innovative and impactful studies that contribute to the field of nutrition science. To that end, recruitment has begun for an Editor-in-Chief, and GPN aims to launch in mid-2025.
Now Hiring: Editor-in-Chief
ILSI is currently accepting applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief of GPN. This is a unique opportunity for the right person to shape the identity of GPN from the ground floor.
We are looking for a candidate who has extensive experience in the field of nutrition science, a proven track record of scholarly publications, strong leadership and management skills, a commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as a willingness and ability to commission papers and promote GPN online.
The full job description with more details is available online.
To apply, please submit the following via email to gpnutrition@ilsi.org:
- Your C.V.
- A one-page vision statement detailing your plans for the journal. This should include a description of your leadership style (including how you will interface with reviewers and editors) and your acceptance criteria for the journal.
- A one-paragraph conflict of interest statement detailing any potential conflicts, including appointments on journals and any other organizations in the field of nutrition and dietetics that are not your primary academic affiliation.
If you have any questions about the position or application, please contact ILSI's Senior Publications Manager, James Cameron, at gpnutrition@ilsi.org.
Please note: Global Perspectives on Nutrition is owned by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). The journal, along with ILSI’s other journal, Nutrition Reviews, is editorially and financially independent from ILSI and does not grant special consideration to ILSI-related papers.
Connect with ILSI
As you prepare your agenda for American Society for Nutrition (ASN) - Nutrition 2025 and the International Union of Nutritional Sciences - International Congress on Nutrition (IUNS-ICN), don’t miss your opportunity to connect with ILSI!
ILSI will host booths at ASN's meeting in Orlando, Florida, from May 31 - June 3, 2025, as well as IUNS-ICN in Paris, France, from August 24-29, 2025. These important nutrition-focused events will encourage collaboration and meaningful scientific dialogue.
Stop by ILSI’s booths to meet with our staff and learn more about GPN, Nutrition Reviews, as well as the latest updates from our research projects shaping nutrition, health, food safety, and sustainability.