Every day is Earth Day
22 April 2017
Earth Day
Join ILSI in observing Earth Day, a day to declare ongoing commitment to the health of our planet.
This year's campaign theme is Environmental & Climate Literacy: Our Commitment to Students by Earth Day 2020, with a call to action:
"We ask that you help us take a stand and support teaching for environmental and climate literacy in K-12 schools."
Learn more about Earth Day activities and how to get involved as an organization or as an individual at www.earthday.org.
Listed blow are a few of the many ILSI programs designed to better understand how we can, collectively and collaboratively, ensure our food and agricultural systems are sustainable in the face of climate change and severe weather events caused by climate change.
Roundtable on Climate Change and Nutrition
The ILSI Research Foundation and its partners co-hosted a roundtable discussion on climate change and its effects on dietary patterns and nutrition in conjunction with the 6th Global Workshop on the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP).
Presentations from topic experts are available on the AgMIP website: AgMIP
Sustainability in the European Union
SUSFSANS (SUStainable Food And Nutrition Security) is a European Union program designed to “build the conceptual framework, the evidence base and analytic tools…” related to food and nutrition security. ILSI Europe is a SUSFANS partner and co-leads the track of work devoted to building communications with diverse stakeholders.
Visit the ILSI Europe SUSFANS website for more information: SUSFANS
Fruits & Vegetables: Can We Produce Enough?
Experts explored how we can produce enough fruits and vegetables in sustainable ways to meet nutrition requirements at a session organized by ILSI North America at Experimental Biology 2016.
Information on all of ILSI North America’s EB2016 sessions can before here: EB2016
South Asia Biosafety Conference
Registration is open for SABC2017!
This September 2017 event is the premier biosafety conference in South Asia. It is an essential forum for hearing from leading regional and international scientists representing science and regulatory agencies, universities and research institutions, and the private sector.
GE Food & Feed Safety
Interested in the safety of genetically engineered food and feed? Discover available resources and upcoming capacity building activities from the ILSI Research Foundation: Food & Feed Safety
e-Learning Courses
Register today for ILSI Research Foundation's free, self-paced, interactive courses related to food safety, biosafety, and biotechnology: e-Learning
This year's Earth Day is also an occasion to acknowledge the critical importance of science.
Since its inception, ILSI has promoted the use of collaboratively developed science to improve human health and safeguard the environment.
Learn more about our commitment to public-private scientific partnerships by exploring ILSI North America's work on scientific integrity.