Southampton, Bermuda
2014-01-17 – 2014-01-22
Fairmont Southampton
Scientists from around the globe attend the ILSI Annual Meeting to discuss the latest science related to a variety of topics important to human and environmental health. Member representatives, trustees and science advisors, and staff also come together to outline how ILSI can help move pure research into practical programs, interventions, and technologies that improve health, safety, and well-being.
The 2014 program was proudly brought to you by ILSI, ILSI North America, and the ILSI Research Foundation.
Program Presentations
Presentations from most of the program sessions have been posted. Watch for a few remaining ones to come soon.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
ILSI Asia Branches Meeting
Sunday, 19 January 2014
ILSI North America Assembly of Members
Science at a Crossroads
Keynote Speaker: Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD
What is CIMSANS?
Dave Gustafson, PhD, Director
Monday, 20 January 2014
ILSI-India Breakfast Meeting
ILSI Research Foundation Scientific Session
Faithful Research Reporting and Steps to Promote It
Junk Food for Thought: Nutrition Research Reporting from the Perspective of an Editor
Dennis Bier, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Fidelity and Transparency of Research Reporting: Perspective of Data Integrity
David Moher, PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada
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Recent Initiatives to Improve Research Fidelity
Andrew Brown, PhD, University of Alabama Birmingham, USA
Methods to Improve Public Data Sharing: Perspective of a "Forensic" Statistician
Kevin Coombes, PhD, Ohio State University, USA
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ILSI North America Scientific Session
Free Will or Fate: What Drives Our Food Choice Decisions
Understanding Food Choice: A Psychological Perspective
Suzanne Higgs, PhD, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
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Behavioral Economics, Irrational Decision-Making and Food
David Just, PhD, Cornell University, USA
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Can Palatable Food Active Reward Circuitry and Escalate Caloric Intake
Eric Stice, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Triggers to Free Will
Jason Riis, PhD, Harvard University, USA
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ILSI Focal Point in China Business Meeting
ILSI North America Scientific Session
Precision Nutrition: From Cell to Society
Nutrigenomics, Dietary Requirements, and Personalized Nutrition
Steve Zeisel, MD, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Improving Micronutrient Status in Humans: Efforts Linking Agriculture and Human Nutrition
Michael Grusak, PhD, USDA-ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
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Meeting Folate and Related B-vitamin Requirements through Food: Is it Enough? The Role of Fortification and Dietary Supplements
Helene McNulty, PhD, University of Ulster, Ireland
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Problems for Consumers in Following the Dietary Guidelines in Today's Market Place
Allison Yates, PhD, US Department of Agriculture, USA
(presentation unavailable)
Regulatory Perspective: What is FDA Doing in Reaction to these Issues?
Suzanne Fitzpatrick, PhD, US Food and Drug Administration, USA
(presentation unavailable)
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
ILSI Japan Breakfast Meeting
ILSI North America Scientific Session
Food Safety Case Study: Arsenic
Arsenic in Food: Sources and Issues in Risk Assessment
Sam Cohen, MD, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
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Nation Research Council Update on Arsenic: Critical Scientific Issues in Assessing Health Risk from Oral Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic
James MacDonald, PhD, Chrysalis Pharma Consulting, LLC, USA
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Risk/Benefit Analysis of Rice Consumption in the US Diet: Nutrition-Related Health Benefits Relative to Risk
Joyce Tsuji, PhD, DABT, Exponent, Inc., USA
Nutritional Influences on Arsenic Metabolism among Children and Adults
Megan Hall, ScD, Columbia University, USA
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Latin America Branches Meeting
ILSI Discussion
One ILSI: Global Partnership for a Healthier World
Food and Water Safety
Michael Doyle, PhD, University of Georgia, USA
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One ILSI on Food and Water Safety
Eric Hentges, PhD, ILSI North America, USA
Toxicology and Risk Science
Alan Boobis, OBE, PhD, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
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One ILSI On Toxicology and Risk Science
Syril Pettit, MEM, ILSI HESI, USA
Nutrition for Healthy Aging
Elizabeth Johnson, PhD, Tufts University, USA
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One ILSI on Nutrition and Healthy Aging
Diána Bánáti, PhD, ILSI Europe, Belgium
Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition Security
Pedro Arraes Pereira, PhD, EMBRAPA, Brazil
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Business Contributions to Setting New Research Agendas
Matt Freeman, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Switzerland
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Posters From ILSI Entities Around the World
Posters from the Annual Meeting poster session highlight the structure, recent activities, and program impacts of branches and centers throughout the ILSI network.
- ILSI Brasil
- ILSI Europe
- ILSI Focal Point in China
- ILSI-India
- ILSI Japan (Part 1)
- ILSI Japan (Part 2)
- ILSI Korea
- ILSI North America
- ILSI South Africa
- ILSI South Andean
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
- ILSI Taiwan