Washington, DC, USA
2013-08-04 – 2013-08-06
Session 2081: Value-Added Through Food Processing: Price, Time, and Nutrition Trade-Offs
The Food Value Analysis Database, developed with support of the Project Committee on Food Value Decisions, was presented during this session. The session was held Tuesday, 6 August 2013, from 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm at the Marriott Wardman Park.
Description: In choosing foods for purchase, consumers evaluate trade-offs between price and other product attributes such as convenience, nutrition, taste, shelf-life, food safety risk, and potential waste. This session begins with a theoretical discussion of food product attribute dimensions derived from household production theory and the quality literature. Then, two presentations focus on different comparisons of food product attributes using available USDA and other data sources. The final presentation focuses on the food industry perspective regarding minimizing costs of production and waste thus influencing food pricing.
Mary Muth, PhD, RTI International
Helen Jensen, Iowa State University
John Cranfield, University of Guelph
George Davis, Virginia Tech
Mary Muth, RTI International
Andrea Carlson, USDA-ERS
Gail Tavill, ConAgra Foods
Conference website: http://www.aaea.org/2013am