Browse past events for program agendas; summary reports; copies of presentations; presenter videos; and other event outputs.
6th International Symposium on Food Packaging: Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation
2016-11-16 – 2016-11-18
Barcelona, Spain
- ILSI Europe
ILSI Europe was pleased to organise the 6th International Symposium on Food Packaging: Scientific Developments supporting Safety and Innovation. This event was supported by the Packaging Materials Task Force.
9th Scientific Seminar on Drivers of Consumer Food Choices
Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
VIII Atualidades em Food Safety
São Paulo, Brasil
- ILSI Brasil
Palestras Disponíveis!
Nanomaterials in Food and Beverage – Opportunities and Challenges
Holiday Inn Sydney Airport, Sydney, Australia
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
II Simposio ILSI Mesoamérica-UCIMED
San José, Costa Rica
- ILSI Mesoamerica
II Simposio de Farmacovigilancia y Tecnovigilancia en el marco del Congreso Médico Nacional de Costa Rica.
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