Browse past events for program agendas; summary reports; copies of presentations; presenter videos; and other event outputs.
Webinar Micronutrientes e Inmunidad
Santiago, Chile
Las vitaminas, minerales y algunos ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga tienen un rol fundamental en una respuesta inmune rápida y eficaz. Las deficiencias de estos micronutrientes son comunes, dada la dificultad de tener una dieta balanceada y variada.
Biotecnologia na Agricultura Brasileira: Histórico e Segurança
2020-11-05 – 2020-11-12
Sessão Virtual, Go to Webinar
Uma atividade da FT Biotecnologia. O webinar será dividido em dois blocos
Webinar on The Safety, Benefit and Uses of Low/No Calorie Sweeteners
Jakarta, Indonesia
Webinar: Bioeconomía: casos de éxitos y aprendizajes
San José, Costa Rica
Webinar: Bioeconomy: success stories and lessons learned
San José, Costa Rica
Oct 18, 2020
Session 1: An introduction to Low/ No-Calorie Sweetener
- LNCS Program and Regulation in Indonesia
Dr. Dra. Sutanti Siti Namtini, Apt, Ph.D, Director, BPOM Processed Food Standardization, Indonesia - Global Perspective on LNCS: Scientific Approach & Safety Assessment of LNCS
Dr. Ashley Roberts, President, ARToxicology Inc., Canada (*tbc) - Managing the Safety Risk of LNCS
Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Vice-Chair, Codex / Professor, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
- LNCS Program and Regulation in Indonesia
Oct 18, 2020
LNCS Benefits for Health and Product Innovation/ Reformulation
- Science Evidence-Based Support: Impact of LNCS and the Health Outcomes
Dr. John Sievenpiper, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada - The Role of LNCS for Product Reformulation & Innovation
Mr. Adhi S. Lukman, Chairman, GAPMMI, Indonesia - Discussion
LNCS Challenge & Opportunity;
How to address/connect the risk assessment and risk management of LNCS in Indonesia
- Science Evidence-Based Support: Impact of LNCS and the Health Outcomes
- Summary and Next Steps
Prof. Dedi Fardiaz, Professor, SEAFAST Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia