Browse past events for program agendas; summary reports; copies of presentations; presenter videos; and other event outputs.
American Institute of Mathematics Food Systems Modeling Workshop
2015-04-27 – 2015-04-30
Palo Alto, CA, USA
- International Life Sciences Institute
This workshop built a conceptual model of the U.S. food system, and elaborate a research agenda for continuing model development. This is a key component of a large-scale project to develop a hierarchy of models for food systems around the globe at multiple spatial and temporal levels.
Sessions @ IAFP 2015
Cardiff, United Kingdom
- ILSI Europe
Two ILSI Europe scientific sessions were held at the IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety: ‘The importance of microbiological testing in food safety management’ and ‘Fresh produce and water: How can risk assessments be used in ensuring safety of fresh produce?’. Supported by the Emerging Microbiological Issues Task Force and the Risk Analysis in Food Microbiology Task Force.
Global Food Security Symposium 2015: Healthy Food for a Healthy World: Leveraging Agriculture and Food to Improve Global Nutrition
Washington, DC , USA
- International Life Sciences Institute
While global hunger has decreased, many people worldwide lack access to healthy and affordable food: two billion people are deficient in key micronutrients and more than 1.4 billion are overweight, putting them at higher risk for chronic diseases.
Webinar on “Allergen Risk Assessment and Reference Doses”
Brussels, Belgium
- ILSI Europe
The Food Allergy Task Force organised a webinar on ‘Allergen Risk Assessment and Reference Doses’ on 16 April 2015, 14.00-15.00 CET.
ILSI SEA Region Annual Meeting
2015-04-09 – 2015-04-10
Bangkok, Thailand
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
The 2015 ILSI SEA Region Annual Meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand.
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