Browse past events for program agendas; summary reports; copies of presentations; presenter videos; and other event outputs.
ILSI Taiwan 2017 Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium
Taipei, Taiwan
- ILSI Taiwan
The symposium features international and local experts with the objective to share their knowledge and experience with local stakeholders. This will be beneficial in future strategic development in managing food contact materials to strengthen consumer confidence in food safety.
Scientific Forum on Nutrition & Food Safety – Perspectives & Challenges for ASEAN
Jakarta, Indonesia
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Press conference on Taiwan Elderly Healthy Aging and Sarcopenia
Taipei, Taiwan
- ILSI Taiwan
ILSI Taiwan held a press conference on Healthy Aging and Sarcopenia in conjunction with its International Conference on Healthy Aging and Sarcopenia on April 7, 2017. Conference speakers, branch leadership, and reporters from print, online, TV and radio media participated the event. The purpose of the press conference was to raise awareness of preventing Sarcopenia among the elderly in Taiwan.
Workshop on ‘Identifying Preferred Approaches for Quantifying the Health and Economic Impact of Modifying Nutrient Intakes’
2017-04-06 – 2017-04-07
Brussels, Belgium
- ILSI Europe
Coordinated by the Functional Foods Task Force.
VIII Congresso Nacional Reunião Anual ILSI Brasil
2017-04-05 – 2017-04-07
Campos do Jordão - SP, Brasil
- ILSI Brasil
A Influência da Alimentação no Desenvolvimento da Sociedade
Palestras e vídeos disponíveis
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