Browse past events for program agendas; summary reports; copies of presentations; presenter videos; and other event outputs.
The 34th Annual Meeting of The Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety
2019-11-07 – 2019-11-08
Gyeongju, Korea
- ILSI Korea
Session 1: Food Safety Management by Using Microbiome
with Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
XVIII Simpósio Internacional Sobre Alimentos Funcionais e Compostos Bioativos
São Paulo, Brasil
- ILSI Brasil
Palestras disponíveis
Whole Genome Sequencing in Public Health and Food Safety Practice – the 21st century is now!
Wellington, New Zealand
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Drawing on international expertise and Australasia’s leading researchers and industry practitioners, this conference will not only bring to you the latest science, it will reveal the enormous potential of these technologies when applied to the critical matters of public health and food safety.
2019 한국식물학회 정기 학술대회
2019-10-23 – 2019-10-25
부여, 대한민국
- ILSI Korea (일시코리아;한국국제생명과학회)
Session II: Plant Translational Biology/NBT
Regulatory approaches to gene edited crops in key countries
2019 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Plant Biologists
2019-10-23 – 2019-10-25
Buyeo, Korea
- ILSI Korea
Session II: Plant Translational Biology/NBT
Regulatory approaches to gene edited crops in key countries
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=> 24997 [post_author] => 80 [post_date] => 2019-07-09 19:22:07 [post_date_gmt] => 2019-07-10 00:22:07 [post_content] => [post_title] => Whole Genome Sequencing in Public Health and Food Safety Practice – the 21st century is now! 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