Online, Costa Rica
Seoul, Republic of Korea
- ILSI Korea (일시코리아;한국국제생명과학회)
호흡기 건강 : 연구개발자 간담회
2023. 11. 14. 오후 2시 30분
비앤디파트너스 삼성역점(강남구 테헤란로 626 메디톡스빌딩 B1)
신청 및 문의 ILSI KOREA
The ILSI Europe Food Allergy Task Force is organising a webinar on November 7th as a follow-up to the Practical Guidance on Applying Quantitative Risk Assessment to Food Allergens in Food Operations. During this webinar, ILSI Europe experts will provide tools and methods to streamline the process of collecting data for food allergen risk assessments, thereby facilitating their implementation.
Taipei, Taiwan
2023-10-24 – 2023-10-25
Brussels, Belgium
The ILSI Europe Annual Symposium (IEAS) will be back on 24 & 25 October 2023 in Brussels.
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Nuestro comité de Nutrición y Bienestar cordialmente les invita a sus seminarios web gratuitos para el mes de Noviembre 2023.
Composición nutricional de los lácteos y su relación con la salud
Estrategias para aumentar su consumo y oportunidades de innovación
[post_title] => Seminarios web sobre Nutrientes y Salud: Lácteos
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[ID] => 39038
[post_author] => 68
[post_date] => 2023-11-03 01:18:48
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-03 05:18:48
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[post_title] => 호흡기 건강: 연구개발자 간담회
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[ID] => 38548
[post_author] => 351
[post_date] => 2023-09-27 08:09:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-27 08:09:02
[post_content] =>
The ILSI Europe Food Allergy Task Force is organising a webinar on November 7th as a follow-up to the Practical Guidance on Applying Quantitative Risk Assessment to Food Allergens in Food Operations. During this webinar, ILSI Europe experts will provide tools and methods to streamline the process of collecting data for food allergen risk assessments, thereby facilitating their implementation.
We are thrilled to present this event as a LinkedIn online experience, allowing you to choose the platform that suits you best: LinkedIn or Zoom.
To join via Zoom, register here.
To join via LinkedIn, click attend here.
For more information on this digital event, please contact Geraldine Borja at gborja@ilsieurope.be
[post_title] => Demystifying Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment
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[post_name] => demystifying-allergen-quantitative-risk-assessment
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[ID] => 37171
[post_author] => 344
[post_date] => 2023-07-05 00:13:53
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-07-05 04:13:53
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Application of Multi-omics on Probiotic, Prebiotic and Postbiotic Studies∶ Safety, Functionality and Precision Health
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[post_name] => application-of-probiotic-prebiotic-postbiotic-studies
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[post_modified] => 2023-07-20 05:21:04
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-07-20 09:21:04
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[post_date] => 2022-12-05 11:45:06
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[post_content] =>
[wpanchor id="event"] About the event
The ILSI Europe Annual Symposium (IEAS) will be back on 24 & 25 October 2023 in Brussels.
IEAS is a gathering of experts from around the world who meet to shed light on the current and future challenges in food safety, nutrition and sustainability. It is also an opportunity for stakeholders to take part in the debate around those topics and create connections.
This year, we also propose as a side event an interdisciplinary interactive workshop on the health benefits of prebiotics. (fully booked)
↑ Back to top
[wpanchor id="programme"] Programme and activities
Tuesday 24 October: ILSI Europe Annual Symposium
Scientific sessions and keynote presentations from top-notch experts in the field of food safety, nutrition and sustainability. A breakfast buffet will be available to participants upon arrival and the symposium will be followed by a reception on Tuesday 24.

Consult the detailed agenda
Download the presentations' slides
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr. Paul Cotter
Head of Food Biosciences Department, Teagasc (IR)
Anna Stubbendorff
PhD Student, Sustainable Nutrition, Lund University (SE)
Dr. Boushra Dalile
Postdoctoral Researcher, KU Leuven (BE)
Dr. Ermolaos Ververis
Scientific Officer at Nutrition & Innovation Unit, EFSA (IT)
Prof. Julia Stingl
Professor, RWTH Aachen University (DE)
Dr. Willian Abraham da Silveira
Lecturer in Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Staffordshire University (UK)
Dr. Stefano Renzetti
Senior Scientist and Project Leader, Wageningen University (NL)
Dr. Torstein Skåra
Senior Scientist at Nofima (NO)
Prof. Ciarán G. Forde
Professor at Wageningen University & Research (NL)
Dr. Miguel Gueimonde
Research Scientist at IPLA-CSIC (ES)
Prof. Marco Arlorio
University of Piemonte Orientale (IT)
Organising Committee
Prof. Bas Blaauboer
University of Utrecht (NL)
President of ILSI Europe (BE)
Dr. David Vauzour
Associate Professor, University of East Anglia, Norwich Medical School (UK)
Dr. Laura Righetti
Assistant Professor, Wageningen University & Research (NL)
Dr. Carolien van Loo-Bouwman
Senior manager Nutrition and Innovation, Yili Innovation Center Europe (NL)
Clémentine Thabuis
Nutrition Research Manager, Roquette (FR)
Dr. Jan de Vries
Consultant, De Vries Nutrition Solutions (NL)
Call for abstracts
We accept abstracts for the following sessions:
- Session 2: Beyond bread and beer: unleashing the power of fermented foods
- Session 3: Waste not, want more: creating value from food by-products and waste streams
Abstracts will be selected based on scientific excellence and relevance for the sessions. Submissions are accepted until August 31st. Presenting authors will be informed between Sept 1st and Sep 15th. If the presenting author is an Early Career Scientist, he/she will get priority over a senior scientist. An Early Career Scientist is defined as postgraduate student or a scientist from academia or industry who has received his/her highest degree (MSc or PhD) within the past ten years. Travel and accommodation for the selected presenting authors will be covered by ILSI Europe.
Abstracts submission is closed.
↑ Back to top
Wednesday 25 October: Prebiotics "sandpit"
Identifying knowledge gaps and a roadmap for building a health claims portfolio
Interdisciplinary interactive workshop organised by the Prebiotic Task Force to identify current gaps in scientific understanding and support for prebiotic health benefits and the link to microbiota modulation.
- Provide a state-of-the-art overview of the scientific evidence on the health benefits of prebiotics and the link to microbiota modulation.
- Identify the current routes to make a prebiotic claim for food or food supplements in Europe and compare these with worldwide health claim regulations (e.g. North America, Asia-Pacific).
- Design and co-build a roadmap to progress scientific support for prebiotic health effects and health claim substantiation.
What to expect from the interactive sandpits?
Three experts in the field will give a presentation on the mechanistic, clinical and regulatory insights related to prebiotic health benefits. The session will be closed with a 40min interactive discussion, in which the experts and workshop participants aim to answer the following questions:
- What is the consensus position with regard to the mechanism(s) and evidence linking prebiotics, microbiome modulation and physiological function for the corresponding topics?
- What are the gaps (both scientifically and from a regulatory perspective) regarding health claims for prebiotics and the corresponding topic?
- What is needed (or should be done) to approach/tackle these gaps?
- What could be an ideal roadmap to address these gaps and develop further support for prebiotic health effects and health claim substantiations?

Consult the detailed agenda
Download the presentations' slides
Confirmed speakers include:
Prof. Paul de Vos
University of Groningen (NL)
Prof. Nathalie Delzenne
UCLouvain (BE)
Prof. Gemma Walton
University of Reading (UK)
Prof. Seppo Salminen
University of Turku (FI)
Prof. Kieran Tuohy
University of Leeds (UK)
Prof. Ellen Blaak
University of Maastricht (NL)
Prof. Philip Calder
University of Southampton (UK)
Prof. Louise Dye
University of Leeds (UK)
Dr. Kathy Musa-Veloso
Intertek Scientific and Regulatory Consultancy (CA)
Dr. Alessandro Busetti
Metabolon (IT)
Dr. Annegret Nielsen
Analyze & Realize GmbH (DE)
Dr. Alwine Kardinaal
Prof. Philip Burnet
University of Oxford (UK)
Dr. Lesley A. Houghton
University of Leeds (UK)
Organising Committee
Dr. Anirikh Chakrabarti
Senior Scientist, Cargill (BE)
Dr. Elaine Vaughan
Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Sensus (NL)
Dr. Damien Guillemet
Scientific Development Director, Nexira (FR)
Prof. Kieran Tuohy
Professor of Energy Metabolism and Microbiome, University of Leeds (UK)
Dr. Lucien Harthoorn
Director Research & Development, Clasado Biosciences (UK)
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[wpanchor id="registration"] Registration
Registration for IEAS on 24 October
To attend the ILSI Europe Annual Symposium, register using the blue button below. Different fee categories are proposed. The registration fee for the Annual Symposium gives you access to the workshop on 25 October. Early bird fees are valid until 30 June 2023.
Register to IEAS 2023
Registrations for workshop on 25 October
Registrations for the prebiotics workshop are closed.
Cancellation policy
Registration cancellations should be addressed in writing to Hugo Costa (hcosta@ilsieurope.be). Cancellations received before 10 October 2023 will be refunded minus €50 handling charges. Cancellations received after 10 October 2023 will not be refunded. Substitutions of attendees are accepted if addressed in writing to Hugo Costa.
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[wpanchor id="venue"] Venue and access
The Symposium will take place in Comet Meetings Louise: Place Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels.
Metro, tram and bus
Comet Meetings Louise is located in the heart of the Louise district. Public transport is an excellent option to reach the venue:
- (M) Louise - Lines 2 and 6 (5 min walk)
- (T) Louise - Lines 8, 92, 93, 97 (5 min walk)
- (T) Stéphanie - Lines 8, 92, 93 (2min walk)
- (B) Stéphanie - Line N11 (3min walk)
Public transport timetable
If you decide to come by your own car, you will find several parking options just a few minutes' walk away.
- Inter-Parking Parking Stéphanie (4min walk)
- Q-Park Parking (4min walk)
- ZenPark Parking (5min walk)
Access to the conference will be granted to registered participants only. Upon arrival, participants should present themselves at the registration desk and will receive a personal badge. The registration desk will be opened from 08:30am to 09:30am.
Accessibility for everyone is one of our priorities. Comet has put in place various devices that make their facilities accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM).
Free internet is provided by WiFi throughout the venue.
If you have any questions or specific access requirements, please email us at any time at hcosta@ilsieurope.be
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[wpanchor id="hotel"] Accomodation
All pre-booked rooms at Moxy Hotel for our upcoming event have been reserved. In case you were unable to secure a room, we have provided a list of nearby hotels from the venue for your convenience. Some of these hotels offer a discount code that can be used to secure a room at a better rate. Please follow this link for alternative accommodation options and to have access to these discounted rates.
Recording and photos
Video recording and photos will be taken during the event for communication purposes.
[wpanchor id="contact"] Contact
For more information about the symposium program, please contact Isabelle Guelinckx at iguelinckx@ilsieurope.be
For questions about the registration, please contact Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be
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Nuestro comité de Nutrición y Bienestar cordialmente les invita a sus seminarios web gratuitos para el mes de Noviembre 2023.
Composición nutricional de los lácteos y su relación con la salud
Estrategias para aumentar su consumo y oportunidades de innovación
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