Upcoming ILSI Events

At ILSI, we bring science and research to diverse audiences through a wide range of events. From independent symposia and workshops to hands-on training sessions, we host, sponsor, and co-organize events that foster learning and collaboration. Many of ILSI's events are also featured as part of larger scientific and professional conferences, further expanding opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and discovery. Join us!

ILSI Events, Meetings, and Scientific Symposia

Z to A

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About the event

This workshop will educate participants on precision nutrition and highlight ILSI Europe's ongoing activities.

The programme will include:

  1. Understanding Precision Nutrition - A presentation defining precision nutrition and exploring various approaches, followed by a Q&A session.
  2. Debate on Implementation - A discussion on the feasibility of implementing precision nutrition, with audience interaction to support the ILSI Europe Expert Group's activities.
  3. Glucotypes - A presentation showcasing the Glucotypes project as a practical example of precision nutrition.


Coming soon

This exclusive event is for members only.
See full General Assembly 2025 programme

Not a member? Feel free to express your interest in the workshop by contacting Sebastien Alexandre, membership manager.

[post_title] => GA 2025 - Workshop II: Precision Nutrition [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ga2025-workshop-2-precision-nutrition [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-24 05:58:19 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-24 10:58:19 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=45767 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 45766 [post_author] => 351 [post_date] => 2025-01-21 09:12:47 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-21 14:12:47 [post_content] =>

About the event

Explore how AI is transforming research in food safety and nutrition. This workshop will address concerns on workload and time constraints, showcasing practical examples of AI streamlining data analysis and uncovering new insights.

We'll share fun facts and real-world applications, comparing traditional methods with AI-driven processes to reduce fear of the unknown. Join us to discover how AI can enhance efficiency and innovation in scientific research.


Coming soon

This exclusive event is for members only.
See full General Assembly 2025 programme

Not a member? Feel free to express your interest in the workshop by contacting Sebastien Alexandre, membership manager.

[post_title] => GA 2025 - Workshop I: Artificial Intelligence [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ga2025-workshop-1-artificial-intelligence [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-24 05:44:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-24 10:44:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=45766 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 43143 [post_author] => 37 [post_date] => 2024-10-21 15:40:59 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-21 20:40:59 [post_content] =>

La evidencia científica se refiere a la información o datos obtenidos mediante métodos científicos rigurosos, como estudios experimentales, observacionales o revisiones sistemáticas, que permiten validar hipótesis o conclusiones. Esta evidencia se genera a través de investigaciones controladas, repetibles y objetivas, y es evaluada y revisada por la comunidad científica.

Metodología: el curso, propiedad de la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética, será impartido para Latinoamérica por medio de ILSI Mesoamérica y se realizará a través de la plataforma virtual de la Academia, en la que podrán asistir un grupo de un máximo de 50 personas de manera simultánea.

El curso e-learning tiene una duración aproximada de 10 semanas, en los cuales los participantes podrán acceder desde sus teléfonos móviles, computadoras o laptops y/o tablets a las clases, tareas, evaluaciones y conversatorios del tema.

Las clases en directo se dictarán a las 19:00 horas de España. Este horario corresponde a 11:00 am de Centroamérica y México.

Certificado: el certificado del curso será elaborado y enviado por la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética en formato digital y será entregado posterior a la finalización del curso siempre y cuando el participante haya aprobado el mismo.

Responsables: el curso será diseñado e impartido por el equipo de académicos de la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética.

Fecha de inicio del curso:  10 febrero 2025

Fecha de finalización del curso: 25 abril 2025

Inversión: $500 (dólares americanos) que incluye IVA y monto para becar a oficiales de gobiernos.

Proceso de matrícula:

  1. Las personas interesadas pueden registrarse en este enlace: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJH8EXonaMBak7cuBXD8WfHfxQZOR_9O6GuTfkLRY-CUGuAA/viewform?usp=sf_link
  2. El único requisito es ser una persona profesional con interés de capacitarse en el uso de la evidencia en temas relacionados con la nutrición y los alimentos.
  3. El pago del curso se puede hacer por medio de un botón de pago que se les hará llegar a sus correos una vez que se complete el formulario.

Más información al correo: vanessa.marin@ilsimesoamerica.org

[post_title] => Curso online: práctica basada en la evidencia científica en nutrición y alimentación [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => curso-online-practica-basada-en-la-evidencia-cientifica-en-nutricion-y-alimentacion [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-16 10:46:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-16 15:46:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=43143 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 40634 [post_author] => 351 [post_date] => 2024-04-04 14:48:31 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-04-04 14:48:31 [post_content] => PMsympo2025_webbanner (1800 x 500 px)

Event will start in

About About

Explore the latest research on food packaging safety and sustainability

ILSI Europe International Symposium on Food Packaging is held every four years. It is internationally recognised as a scientific forum to discuss and move forward the science that supports safety and innovation in the field, with minimal environmental impact. This conference of experts facilitates transfer of knowledge and brings innovative solutions to the most pressing issues in this field.

The 8th edition will take place at the Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel, in Dubrovnik, Croatia during four days from 1 to 4 April 2025. It will be structured around five main themes:

  • Advances in Analytical Techniques
  • Progress in Toxicological Prediction and Assessment
  • Progress in Risk Assessment
  • Food Contact Materials in Circular Economy
  • Innovative Packaging

Click here to register

This event is initiated by the ILSI Europe Packaging materials Task Force.

Call for abstracts

Looking for an opportunity to present your research?

The organising committee welcomes abstracts from researchers in the field for oral and poster presentations.
Submit yours here!


📊 Advances in analytical techniques
🧪 Progress in toxicological prediction and assessment
⚖️ Progress in risk assessment
♻️ Food Contact Materials in the circular economy
🚀 Innovative packaging


  • The call for abstracts is closed

Authors will be notified about the accepted abstracts by January 21st."


Abstracts should be focused on themes mentioned above and should not exceed 2500 characters.
When composting your abstract, please keep in mind:
  • Relevance: The abstract should be relevant to the conference theme or topic.
  • Originality: The abstract should present original research or innovative ideas.
  • Clarity: The abstract should be written in clear and concise language, with a well-defined structure and logical flow.
  • Significance: The abstract should demonstrate the significance and potential impact of the research or ideas presented.
  • Methods: The abstract should provide a clear and concise summary of the research methods used, including the study design, data collection, and analysis.
  • Results: The abstract should clearly and accurately describe the research findings and their implications.
  • Conclusion: The abstract should provide a clear and concise conclusion that summarizes the main points of the research or ideas presented.
  • Grammar and References: The abstract should adhere to grammar rules and include appropriate and relevant references, cited correctly.

Day 1 - 1st April

10:00 - Registration desk opens
12:00 - Welcome and introduction to ILSI Europe, Isabelle Guelinckx (ILSI Europe, BE)
12:15 - Opening lecture, TBC Session 1 - Advances in Analytical Techniques
Chairs: Peter Oldring (Sherwin Williams, UK), Thomas Simat (TU Dresden, DE) 13:00 - Keynote, Cristina Nerin (University of Zaragoza, ES)
13:40 - Investigation of potential migratables from paper and board food contact materials intended for takeaway, Melanie Di Mario (Sciensano, BE)
14:00 - Break
14:30 - Overcoming limitations to identify potential hazards in packaging materials using High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC), Amaury Patin (Nestle, CH)
14:50 - Analytical Characterization of Polyfluorinated Coatings on Fiber-Based Food Packaging in the US Market, Luke K. Ackerman (US- FDA, US)
15:10 - Harmonization on Non-targeted Testing in Mass spectrometry, Thomas Gude (GmbH, CH)
15:30 - Break
15:50 - LC-Orbitrap-MS/MS and GC-Orbitrap-MS: powerful analytical tools to explore the chemical composition of PEF food packaging materials, Antía Lestido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, ES)
16:10 - Enhancing HS-SPME-Based Non-Target Screening of Volatile Organic Compounds in Plastics and Its Application in Recycled HDPE, Qi Zhi Su (National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Material Guangdong, CN)
16:30 - NIAS investigation in recyclates with statistical approach and machine learning, Andreas Grasskamp (Fraunhofer IVV, DE)
16:50 - Closing of Day 1
17:00 - Poster Session + networking drink

Day 2 - 2nd April

Session 2 - Innovative Packaging
Chairs: Malcolm Driffield (Exponent, UK), Peter Ragaer (UGent, BE)
09:00 - Welcome to Day 2
09:10 - Keynote, Xulei Wu (NASA, US)
09:50 - Releasing active food packaging: advantages and limitations of the use of extracts obtained from edible plants and food-by products, Ana Sanchez Silva (University of Coimbra, ES)
10:10 - A novel anti-Listeria packaging based on polycaprolactone polyhydroxybutyrate blends for fresh salmon, Laura Aguerri (Universidad de Saragoza, ES)
10:30 - Break
11:00 - Shape-dependent migration and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in nanocellulose-based food packaging, Ana Rita Mendes (Universidade Católica Portuguesa. PT)
11:20 - Hydrogel-Integrated CD:MOF Sensors: A Novel Approach to Intelligent Freshness Monitoring in Food Packaging, Marina Ramos (University of Alicante, ES)
11:40 - Innovative packaging enriched with bioactive compounds to extend food shelf-life, Antonella Cavazza (University of Parma, IT)
12:00 - Bio-based intelligent packaging for fresh food: closing the loop to circular economy, María del Carmen Garrigós (University of Alicante, ES)
12:20 - Lunch
13:20 - The antioxidant effect of multilayer active packaging that contains salvia extract (TBC)
13:40 - Transforming Microbial Protein into Bioplastics: A Sustainable Solution for Packaging Materials, Bor Shin Chee (Technological University of the Shannon, IE)
14:00 - Valorization of Ulva lactuca Residues for Biopolymer-Based Packaging Films, Vanesa Sanz (Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology IATA-CSIC, ES)
14:20 - Break
14:50 - Innovative green packaging: Crafting rosin-derived delivery systems for sustainable and active food preservation, Sérgio Moreira (CeNTI, PT)
15:10 - FOODSAFEBIOPACK project: mapping of contaminants and innovative cellulosic barrier solution, Mathilde Rota (Centre Technique du Papier, FR)
15:30 - High-quality Manufacturing of Packaged Fresh Produce with Conformable In-package Cold Atmospheric Plasma, Deepti Salvi (North Carolina State University, US)
15:50 - Closing of Day 2
16:00 - Poster Session and dinner

Day 3 - 3rd April

Session 3 - Progress in toxicological prediction and assessment
Chairs: Charlene Lacourt (Danone, FR), Thomas Gude (ETH Zurich, CH)
09:00 - Welcome to Day 3
09:10 - Keynote, Christian Kirchnawy (OFI, AT)
09:50 - ToxOligo - Testing oligomers released from food contact materials for interference with steroid action and macrophage activity, Milena Chraniuk (University of Basel, CH)
10:10 - Effect-Based Hazard Evaluation of Recycled Paper Food Contact Materials: Influence of Sample Preparation and Physiological Parameters, Athanasios Kourkopoulos (Maastricht University, NL)
10:30 - Packsafe project: Integrated chemical safety assessment of Food Contact Articles. Chemical and toxicological analysis of 41 extracts, Isabelle Severin (L'institut Agro Dijon, FR)
10:50 - Break Session 4 - Progress in Risk Assessment
Chairs: Charlene Lacourt (Danone, FR), Thomas Gude (ETH Zurich, CH)
11:20 - Keynote, Alan Boobis (Imperial College London, UK)
12:00 - Fumigation of food contact materials - an unidentified risk to packed foods, Marlies Thomann (Tetra Pak, DE)
12:20 - Risks of new trends related to food contact materials, Els Van Hoeck (Sciensano. BE)
12:40 - Lunch
13:40 Reliability of NIAS non-targeted screening in food packaging materials, Elsa Omer (Nestlé, CH)
14:00 - A comparability analysis on the risk assessment approaches to the safety of food-grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate, James Huang (The Coca-Cola Company, US)
14:20 - Chemical Risk Assessment in Food Packaging for Infant Feeding (TBC)
14:40 - Screening tests to evaluate the presence of potential contaminants in recycled plastic intended for the contact with food, Cristina Lugli (Ecol Studio SPA, IT)
15:00 - Break
15:30 - The challenge to measure and evaluate styrene migration, Angela Stoermer (Fraunhofer IVV, DE)
15:50 - Critical aspects for the safety of cork-polypropylene composites for food contact, Fatima Pocas (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT)
16:10 - Risk assessment related to microplastics release from reusable plastic packagings, Bruno Guerdener (Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais, FR)
16:30 - Potential for globally harmonizing risk assessment protocols for FCMs, Peter Oldring (Sherwin Williams, UK)
16:50 - Closing of Day 3
17:00 - Poster Session

Day 4 - 4th April

Session 5 - Food Contact Materials in Circular Economy
Chairs: Thomas Gude (ETH Zurich, CH), Thomas Simat (TU Dresden, DE)
09:00 Welcome to Day 4 
09:10 - Keynote: Why don't we actually recycle much more packaging back into food packaging? Frank Welle (Fraunhofer IVV, DE)
09:50 - Effect of Ethanol Solution on Poly(lactic acid) Films Migration, Rafael Auras (Michigan State University, US)
10:10 -TRANSCONTAFOOD Project - Study of risks associated with cross-contaminations (microbial, chemical, allergens) during the reuse of food packaging, Kahina Slimani (ANSES, FR)
10:30 - Design for recycling and food contact compliance: how to balance safety & sustainability, Cristina Lugli (Ecol Studio spa, IT)
10:50 - Break
11:10 - Keynote, Marco Zhong, National Reference for Food Contact Materials Guangdong, CN)
11:50 - Capability of super-critical CO2 extraction (SCCO2) for removing contaminants in polyolefins, Carlos Estremera (University of Zaragoza, ES)
12:10 - Ethanol vapour-Induced morphological influences on the water barrier performance of PLA films: a multi-component study, Sean Mclntyre (Surface measurement systems, UK)
12:30 - Functional barrier concept in food packaging within the circular economy, Phuong-Mai Nguyen (National Laboratory of Metrology and testing, FR)
12:50 - Development of cleaning and disinfection protocols to ensure food safety in reusable food packaging, Maria Sanz-Puig (Christeyns España, ES)
13:10 - Closing of Symposium and poster awards

13:30 - Lunch


Meet our official sponsors


Swiss Quality Testing Services (SQTS) is the most comprehensive laboratory service provider in Switzerland, offering a wide range of analyses in the fields of food, food contact materials and bioanalytics. With over two decades of experience, we deliver exceptional analytical support in the areas of food contact materials and consumer goods.

Their collaboration with ILSI Europe enables them to stay at the forefront of both current and emerging challenges related to food contact materials and to tailor their consulting and analytical services to address the specific needs of their valued customers.

Website: en.sqts.ch

Exponent International Ltd. is a leading multi-disciplinary engineering and scientific consulting firm that brings together approximately 1000 consultants working across more than 90 different disciplines to solve engineering, science, regulatory and business issues facing our clients. With Food Safety and Quality teams based in the UK and in the U.S., they work with clients on technical, scientific and regulatory requirements for foods and food contact materials.

Website: exponent.com


ILSI Europe welcomes food and related industry or scientific journals to sponsor the 8th edition of the International Symposium on Food Packaging.Intrested in this opportunity? Contact Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be.


Book your spot to join us!

Click here to register


  • Early bird registration: closed
  • Regular registration: open;  Deadline: March 15th 2025

Early Bird Fees

  • Industry: 1000 €
  • Non-industry: 700 €
  • Students: 400 €

Regular Fees

  • Industry: 1300 €
  • Non-Industry and Additional Task Force Member Company: 850 €
  • Students: 550 €

Cancellation policy

  • Cancellations received before 18 December 2024 will be fully refunded.
  • Cancellations received between 1 January and 1 February 2025 will be partially refunded (minus €50 handling charge).
  • Cancellations received after 1 February 2025 and no-shows will not be refunded.
  • Cancellations should be addressed in writing to Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be


Substitution of attendees are accepted if addressed in writing to Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be

Click here to register

Venue & Accomodation

Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel

The 8th edition of ILSI Europe's International Food Packaging Symposium will take place at the Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel, in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

More information on how the get will come soon.


To ensure your comfort, ILSI Europe has prebooked rooms at a special rate at the Valamar Hotel where the conference will take place. To secure your accommodation and access this special rate, please register for the event. Once registered, you will receive the booking link in your email.

We strongly recommend that you make your booking as soon as possible. The number of rooms available at the special rate is limited, and we want to make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity to guarantee your stay at the event venue.

- Single Room Rate: 140€/night
- Double Room Rate: 155€/night
Accommodation includes breakfast, WiFi, VAT, and taxes.


For attendees seeking more budget-friendly options, we recommend exploring nearby hotels and accommodations. While not officially endorsed for the event, these alternatives offer competitive rates and comfortable stays, providing flexibility for various travel budgets.

Booking policy

Participants are solely responsible for managing their hotel bookings, including any modifications or cancellations, which should be arranged directly with the hotel.

For rooms pre-booked by ILSI Europe: participants can cancel their hotel booking free of charge until December 18th, 2024. After this date, 100% of the booking fee will be charged.

Organising and Scientific Committee

If you have any question about the event, please don't hesitate to contact Konrad Korzeniowski (kkorzeniowski@ilsieurope.be) or Hugo Costa (hcosta@ilsieurope.be).

[post_title] => 8th International Symposium on Food Packaging [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => 8th-international-symposium-on-food-packaging [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-06 04:35:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-06 09:35:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=40634 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 43471 [post_author] => 351 [post_date] => 2024-10-29 13:29:59 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-29 13:29:59 [post_content] => AgeingBrain2024_web-banner-ok

Event starts in:

About About

Dive into the science of nutrition for brain health and cognition

ILSI Europe's Symposium on Nutrition for the Ageing Brain, initiated in 2014, gathers experts to review the evidence supporting how nutrients, food and diet influence brain health.

The 5th edition of the Symposium will take place on 6 & 7 June 2025 in Chania, Crete (Greece) in collaboration with the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society conference taking place from 7 to 11 June in the same location. With this partnership, we wish to reach not only researchers but also clinicians and health practitioners to raise their awareness on the benefits of nutrition for mental health.

Learn more about previous editions.

Call for abstracts

Looking for an opportunity to present your research?

The organising committee is welcoming abstracts for oral and poster presentations from researchers in the field.
Submit yours here!


🧠🌿 Nutrition for Mental Health in Old Age: Addressing Depression & Anxiety.
💰⚖️ The Intersection of Sex, Nutrition, and Socioeconomic Inequalities: Implications for Health in Old Age.
🥦💪 Nutritional Interventions for Frailty, Sarcopenia, and Cognitive Function.
🥗🛡️ Nutrition, diet and immune function.
🦷🦠 Nutrition, Dental Health, Oral Microbiome, and Cognition: Exploring the Connections.
🧬🔍 Biomarkers of Cognitive Ageing and Nutrition: Current Advances and Future Directions.


The Call for Abstracts is open until March 1st, 2025.


Abstracts should be focused on the themes mentioned above, and should not exceed 2500 characters.
When composting your abstract, please keep in mind: • Relevance: The abstract should be relevant to the conference theme or topic.
Originality: The abstract should present original research or innovative ideas.
Clarity: The abstract should be written in clear and concise language, with a well-defined structure and logical flow.
Significance: The abstract should demonstrate the significance and potential impact of the research or ideas presented.
Methods: The abstract should provide a clear and concise summary of the research methods used, including the study design, data collection, and analysis.
Results: The abstract should clearly and accurately describe the research findings and their implications.
Conclusion: The abstract should provide a clear and concise conclusion that summarizes the main points of the research or ideas presented.
Grammar and References: The abstract should adhere to grammar rules and include appropriate and relevant references, cited correctly. Programme

Discover the programme

The programme of the Symposium's 5th edition will be built around the six following topics:

  1. Nutrition for Mental Health in Old Age: Addressing Depression & Anxiety.
  2. The Intersection of Sex, Nutrition, and Socioeconomic Inequalities: Implications for Health in Old Age.
  3. Nutritional Interventions for Frailty, Sarcopenia, and Cognitive Function.
  4. Nutrition, diet and immune function.
  5. Nutrition, Dental Health, Oral Microbiome, and Cognition: Exploring the Connections.
  6. Biomarkers of Cognitive Ageing and Nutrition: Current Advances and Future Directions.

Further info coming soon...

MNS 2025 Conference

The 10th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society Conference will take place from June 7th to June 11th, 2025, in the captivating coastal town of Platanias, near Chania on the island of Crete, Greece.

The conference will bring together neuroscience experts, professionals, and students from around the world, including over 400 anticipated participants. With a commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse atmosphere, the conference will feature extensive opportunities for training, networking, and social interactions. The aim is to provide an exceptional platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and recent advancements across the full spectrum of basic, translational, preclinical, and clinical neuroscience.

The Scientific and Organizing Committees have curated an engaging program that features keynote speakers, opinion leaders, and experts from across the globe. Dedicated to promoting research, education, advocacy, policy-making, and public awareness in all areas of brain science, the conference will support dialogue and collaboration among neuroscience professionals. The MNS is pleased to offer travel stipends and prizes to young scientists, particularly from the southern Mediterranean regions, encouraging North-South networking and scientific exchange.

Learn more


About the location

The Symposium will be hosted in the Minoan Palace Resort in Chaina, Crete (Grece).

About the venue

Minoa Palace Resort Hotel in Chania was built in 2002 and has been established as one of the leading 5-star resorts in Crete. It stands out due to its aura of tranquility, harmoniously blended in with the sea breeze and the lush green surroundings. The resort is an equally great host for all sorts of corporate events, conferences and meetings.

Covering 35,000 sq. m. of Cretan land in the popular tourist resort of Platanias, this luxury 5-star hotel enamors guests with its majestic surroundings, the miraculous views of the shimmering Aegean Sea and the White Mountains as well as the high-end facilities and bespoke services offered. To further enhance the overall guest experience, the hotel was expanded with an aerial bridge connecting the Main Building Bungalow complex with the Imperial Beach Wing thus offering immediate access to the beach from both buildings.

The Minoa Palace 5-star hotel comprises of two main buildings featuring a variety of elegantly appointed rooms and suites, 4 restaurants, 4 bars, a spa & wellness center, many communal and private pools, a jewelry shop and a great range of leisure options, sports activities and cultural events.

Minoa Palace Resort Hotel in Chania was built in 2002 and has been established as one of the leading 5-star resorts in Crete. It stands out due to its aura of tranquility, harmoniously blended in with the sea breeze and the lush green surroundings. The resort is an equally great host for all sorts of corporate events, conferences, and meetings.

The Minoa Palace 5-star hotel comprises two main buildings featuring a variety of elegantly appointed rooms and suites, 4 restaurants, 4 bars, a spa & wellness center, many communal and private pools, a jewelry shop, and a great range of leisure options, sports activities, and cultural events.

How to get there

The venue is located approximately 30 kilometers from Chania Airport, making it the closest and most convenient airport to travel to.

Address: Minoa Palace Resort Hotel - Platanias, Chania, Crete, Greece, 73014

By Taxi

  • A taxi ride from Chania Airport to the venue typically takes just under 30 minutes.
  • Taxis are readily available at the airport's designated taxi stand near the Arrivals area.

By Bus

  • A bus service connects Chania Airport to the city of Chania.
  • The bus stop is located across from the Departures area, on the east side of the Terminal.
  • Tickets can be purchased directly from the bus driver.
  • From Chania city, additional bus services to Platanias may be available.

For more details on bus schedules and routes, visit the official website: KTEL Crete


Platanias near Chania offers a wide variety of hotels and accommodations to suit different preferences and budgets. Below are some suggestions you might find helpful:

  1. Geraniotis Beach Hotel
    • A beachfront hotel offering comfortable accommodations with access to two swimming pools and a restaurant. Price range: €80-€150 per night (Standard rooms, off-peak season)
    • Distance: Approximately 1.1 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  2. Porto Platanias Beach Resort & Spa
    • A five-star resort featuring multiple pools, spa facilities, and various dining options. Price range: €150-€300 per night (5-star resort, depending on the room type)
    • Distance: About 1.3 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  3. Thalassa Beach Resort (Adults Only)
    • A modern hotel with spa facilities, beachfront access, and elegant accommodations. Price range: €120-€250 per night (Adults-only resort, beachfront access)
    • Distance: Approximately 1.9 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  4. Sonio Beach Hotel
    • A charming hotel featuring an outdoor pool, restaurant, and proximity to the beach. Price range: €70-€120 per night (Mid-range hotel with outdoor pool)
    • Distance: Approximately 0.3 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  5. Santa Helena Beach
    • Offers comfortable rooms with easy beach access and recreational facilities. Price range: €50-€100 per night (Affordable beach access hotel)
    • Distance: 0.3 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  6. Metohi Georgila
    • A traditional Cretan experience with modern comforts and a peaceful atmosphere. Price range: €80-€150 per night (Traditional Cretan-style accommodations)
    • Distance: 0.6 km from Minoa Palace Resort.
    • Visit Website
  7. Porto Kalamaki Hotel
    • Located slightly further at 5.0 km from Platanias, this hotel offers affordable rates with amenities like a swimming pool and easy access to local attractions. Price range: €60-€110 per night (Affordable rates with easy access to local attractions)
    • Visit Website

Book your spot to join us

Click here to register


  • Early bird registration: open;  Deadline: March 31st 2025
  • Regular registration: April 1st 2025;  Deadline: May 30th 2025

Early Bird Fees

  • Industry (non ILSI Europe member): 680 €
  • Industry (ILSI Europe member): 500 €
  • Non-industry: 380 €
  • Students: 120 €

Regular Fees

  • Industry (non ILSI Europe member): 800 €
  • Industry (ILSI Europe member): 600 €
  • Non-industry: 450 €
  • Students: 160 €

Cancellation policy

  • Cancellations received before 16 March 2025 will be fully refunded.
  • Cancellations received between 17 March and 31 March 2025 will be partially refunded (minus €50 handling charge).
  • Cancellations received after 31 March 2025 and no-shows will not be refunded.
  • Cancellations should be addressed in writing to Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be


Substitution of attendees are accepted if addressed in writing to Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be

Click here to register


Meet our official sponsors

As part of Danone, Nutricia embraces the company's mission of bringing health through food to as many people as possible. Building on 125 years of research, Nutricia pioneers medical nutrition that helps enable life-changing health outcomes, so that people can live their life to its fullest.
Nutricia supports healthy growth and development in early life and plays its part addressing some of the world's biggest health challenges from birth through to old age with nutritional solutions - among them for food allergy, rare metabolic diseases, age-related conditions, and chronic disease, such as frailty, cancer, stroke and early Alzheimer's.

Website: nutricia.com


Haleon (LSE/NYSE: HLN) is a global leader in consumer health, with a purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Haleon's product portfolio spans five major categories - Oral Health, Pain Relief, Respiratory Health, Digestive Health and Other, and Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements (VMS). Its long-standing brands - such as Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax and Centrum - are built on trusted science, innovation and deep human understanding.

Website: haleon.com


ILSI Europe welcomes food and related industry or scientific journals to sponsor the 5th edition of the Symposium. Interested in this opportunity? Contact Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be


Further info coming soon...

Scientific Committee

If you have any question about the event, please don't hesitate to contact Maria Tonti (mtonti@ilsieurope.be) or Hugo Costa (hcosta@ilsieurope.be).

[post_title] => 5th Symposium on Nutrition for the Ageing Brain [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => 5th-symposium-on-nutrition-for-the-ageing-brain [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-30 05:18:16 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-30 10:18:16 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=43471 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 5 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 45767 [post_author] => 351 [post_date] => 2025-01-21 09:18:18 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-21 14:18:18 [post_content] =>

About the event

This workshop will educate participants on precision nutrition and highlight ILSI Europe's ongoing activities.

The programme will include:

  1. Understanding Precision Nutrition - A presentation defining precision nutrition and exploring various approaches, followed by a Q&A session.
  2. Debate on Implementation - A discussion on the feasibility of implementing precision nutrition, with audience interaction to support the ILSI Europe Expert Group's activities.
  3. Glucotypes - A presentation showcasing the Glucotypes project as a practical example of precision nutrition.


Coming soon

This exclusive event is for members only.
See full General Assembly 2025 programme

Not a member? Feel free to express your interest in the workshop by contacting Sebastien Alexandre, membership manager.

[post_title] => GA 2025 - Workshop II: Precision Nutrition [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ga2025-workshop-2-precision-nutrition [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-24 05:58:19 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-24 10:58:19 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=45767 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 10 [max_num_pages] => 2 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => 1 [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => 1 [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => f1737d6a06a0274e9c79903e123caac3 [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) )