Upcoming ILSI Events

At ILSI, we bring science and research to diverse audiences through a wide range of events. From independent symposia and workshops to hands-on training sessions, we host, sponsor, and co-organize events that foster learning and collaboration. Many of ILSI's events are also featured as part of larger scientific and professional conferences, further expanding opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and discovery. Join us!

ILSI Events, Meetings, and Scientific Symposia


Sustainability Committee Meeting

Seoul, Korea

– Follow up PBI review paper publication – Regarding opinion letter by Dr. Petra on EU states of PBI regulation – Follow up seminar on PBI review paper

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ILSI Europe at EUROTOX 2019

Helsinki, Finland

ILSI Europe’s Sessions and Continuing Education Course (CEC) were jointly organised by four Food Safety Task Forces: Alternatives to Animal Testing in Food Safety Task Force, Nutrition and Efficacy Studies Task Force, New Approaches to Chemical Risk Assessment for Foods and Food Ingredients Task Force, Packaging Materials Task Force and Threshold of Toxicological Concern Task Force.

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