Singapore, Singapore
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
A science session in conjunction with ILSI SEA Region 2023 Annual Meeting, Symposium on “ReThink Nutrient Recommendations for Optimizing Health and Harmonizing Approaches” provides a platform to review and deliberate on various aspects of recommended intake values for nutrients and bioactives. These have important implications and impact on various aspects of food and nutrition activities, including food intake programs, product innovation, food fortification, and supplementation.
2023-04-24 – 2023-05-29
Online, Online
Online, Online
Brussels, Belgium
Online, Online
En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer 2023
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[post_author] => 353
[post_date] => 2023-03-23 01:35:32
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Most countries have established recommended nutrient intake values for use for a variety of food and nutrition programs. These have traditionally been provided as recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), with focus on energy, protein and several vitamins and minerals. They are classically used to ensure adequacy of intake of these nutrients of population groups. While these remain of great importance, especially for developing countries, it has now been observed that certain nutrients, when taken at higher dose above RDA, may confer health benefit(s) beyond prevention of nutritional disorders. It would be important to examine how these levels may provide protective effects against some disease conditions. Understanding and establishing appropriate safe upper limit (UL) of nutrients are also of importance. Additionally, there is growing scientific evidence that bioactive components in foods may provide health benefits beyond classical nutrients. Regulatory authorities have permitted the addition of these components to foods and to make function claims.
This seminar provides a platform to review and deliberate on these various aspects of recommended intake values for nutrients and bioactives. These have important implications and impact on various aspects of food and nutrition activities, including food intake programs, product innovation, food fortification, and supplementation.
Presentation 1: Nutrient Requirement and Setting of Recommended Intake Values
Assoc. Prof. Emorn Udomkesmalee, Mahidol University, Thailand
Prof. Emorn Udomkesmalee is the Senior Advisor and Former Director of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. She holds a current position of Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of International Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Internationally, she's the former Board Chair of IFPRI; former Member of the Board of Directors of the Micronutrient Forum and currently serves on the Standing Together for Nutrition (ST4N) Consortium; Technical Advisory Group for Global Anemia Exemplars; Scientific Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy as well as Scientific Director of ILSI Southeast Asia Region. At national level, she holds the position of the Eminent Panel member under the National Policy Council on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation; Chair of Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Nutrition, Office of Atoms for Peace (Thailand) as well as Board member of Ajinomoto Foundation/Thailand.
Her research interests include micronutrients; efficacy of food-based interventions; maternal and child nutrition policy and program implementation. She received her Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry and metabolism from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA in 1985. Her post-doctoral training was at the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, USA (1987).
Presentation 2: Status of Recommended Nutrient Intake Values in 5 SE Asia Countries
Dr. Tee E Siong, SEA-PHN Network, Malaysia
Dr. E Siong Tee has been a Member of the Board of Directors of ILSI SEA Region since 1996 and Scientific Coordinator of ILSI Malaysia Country Committee since 2005. He is currently a Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy. Dr. Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He was Nutrition Advisor to the Food Safety and Quality Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia from 2002-2011. In that capacity, Dr. Tee was Chairperson or member of several technical committees related to food regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He is still a member of the National Advisory Committee on Food Regulations and several Codex sub-committees. Dr. Tee is also President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM). In this capacity, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programs. He represents NSM in several Technical Working Groups in the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the National Coordinating Committee for Food and Nutrition (NCCFN) and the Technical Working Group for Nutritional Guidelines. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network and is the current Chairman of the Network. Dr Tee is also Adjunct Professor of the International Medical University, Malaysia.
Presentation 3: Application of Recommended Intake Values Beyond Nutrient Deficiency Prevention: Past vs. Present
Prof. Manfred Eggersdorfer, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Prof. Manfred Eggersdorfer studied chemistry at the Technical University Munich and did his PhD in organic chemistry in the field of synthesis and characterization of unusual amino acids. He was post-doc at the Stanford-University, California working with Carl Djerassi on the isolation and characterization of sterols from marine origin as potential contraceptives.
He joined Roche in 1999 as Head of R+D Vitamins and continued in this responsibility after DSM acquired this business in 2003.
Since 2013 Manfred Eggersdorfer holds the chair for Healthy Ageing at the University Medical Center Groningen (NL) and teaches nutrition for medical students. His scientific work focuses on the role of essential nutrients for health, vitality, and well-being, especially on the impact of inadequate intake and status of micronutrients over the life cycle with a focus on long term health and healthy ageing.
He is active as member of the Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and he acts as Board member of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Vitaminforschung e.V in Germany. He is author of numerous publications in the fields of vitamins, carotenoids, omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids and nutraceuticals for infants, adults, elderly and risk groups and on innovation in nutritional ingredients. He engages as reviewer for a variety of journals and is Associate Editor of the "International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research" and other journals.
Presentation 4: Approaches and Challenges to the Setting of Upper Levels for Nutrients
Dr. Andrew Bartholomaeus, BartCrofts Pty Ltd, Australia
Dr. Andrew Bartholomaeus is currently the CEO of BartCrofts Pty Ltd, which specializes in providing toxicological and regulatory scientific services for a variety of chemical food safety issues. He also holds extramural appointments as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland Medical School, Australia and an Adjunct Professor of Toxicology and Pharmacy at the University of Canberra, Australia. Before his current position, Dr. Bartholomaeus was the General Manager of the Risk Assessment Branch at Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) until his retirement in 2012. During his time at FSANZ, he also served as the chair during the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on 'The Application of Nanotechnologies in Food and Agriculture Sectors: Potential Food Safety Implications'. From 2004 to 2008, he was the Chief Toxicologist at the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia, with responsibilities in the area of preclinical assessment and in leading the TGA's response to the Australian National Nanotechnology Strategy.
Dr. Bartholomaeus was previously a member of the ILSI International Food Biotechnology Committee (IFBiC) Steering Group. He is also a member of the Society of Toxicology and Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment (ACTRA). Dr. Bartholomaeus obtained his B.S. degree in Pharmacy from the University of Sydney and PhD in Toxicology from RMIT University, Australia.
Presentation 5: Moving Beyond Current Recommended Intakes: Vitamin C as a Case Example
Prof. Anitra Carr, University of Otago, New Zealand
Prof. Anitra Carr is Director of the Nutrition in Medicine Research Group at the University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. Anitra is a biomedical researcher and international key opinion leader on the role of vitamin C in human health and disease. Following a PhD at UOC, Anitra undertook an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, USA. Whilst there she produced a number of high impact publications on the role of vitamin C in human health and disease which helped inform US dietary recommendations for vitamin C (IOM 2000). Following a return to New Zealand, Anitra began carrying out a translational research program comprising human intervention studies investigating the bioavailability and potential health effects of vitamin C which has helped inform EU dietary recommendations for vitamin C (EFSA 2013). More recently she has carried out research into the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic diseases such as infection, cancer and diabetes. In 2016 Anitra was awarded a 4-year New Zealand Health Research Council Fellowship to investigate the role of vitamin C in severe infections such as pneumonia and sepsis, two major complications of COVID-19. In 2021, Anitra was invited by the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022 (NNR2022) committee to update vitamin C recommendations for the 8 Nordic and Baltic countries. Anitra is Associate Editor for the journal Nutrition Research and a long-time member of the Editorial Boards of the journals Nutrients and Antioxidants. Anitra was recently awarded a Gold Medal for sustained research excellence.
Presentation 6: Addressing Botanical Bioavailability Limitations: New Approaches by Modification of Macronutrient Food Components
Prof. Chin-Kun Wang, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
Prof. Chin-Kun Wang is a distinguished professor in Chung Shan Medical University (CSMU), Executive Councillor of International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST)., Former President of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Fellows of IAFoST and ISNFF, Honorary President of Nutrition Society of Taiwan. He got his Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University and worked at Chung Shan Medical University in 1993. In 1996, he promoted as a full professor, and then took the positions of the Chair, Dean, Vice President and President in CSMU. His research work is focused on human clinical trials and human metabolism of medicine, nutritional supplement, nutraceuticals, herbs, and functional foods. Recently he also pays great attention on precision nutrition by using big data. He got the National Award of Biomedicine for his great contribution to the medical education in 2008. He also got the awards of outstanding research of many societies from 2009 to 2022. For food safety and nutrition, he promoted the legislation for school sanitary law and national nutrition law. In the future, he tries his best to work together with the scientists around the world and would like to promote the advanced development of food science and technology.
Panel Discussion
Ms. Wei Tang, Nutrition External Engagement (Asia), Unilever China
Ms. Wei Tang is Regional Head of Nutrition External Engagement (Asia) of Unilever. Ms. Tang supports Unilever's external nutrition and health-related programs and collaboration across Asia. She has 16 years of working experience in Research & Development at various positions related to Nutrition & Science, Product Development and Scientific Affairs in France and China. She joined Unilever in 2017 as Regional Head of Nutrition External Engagement for North Asia and expanded her responsibility to Southeast Asia and Australasia (SEAA) region from 2018. Ms. Tang obtained her M.Sc. in Biology and Innovation in Quality and Productions of Vegetable respectively at University Paris XIII and University Paris XI.
Download Program
Download Summary Report
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at event@ilsisea.org.sg
[post_title] => Science Symposium in conjunction with ILSI SEA Region 2023 Annual Meeting - ReThink Nutrient Recommendations for Optimizing Health and Harmonizing Approaches
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_modified] => 2024-02-26 02:23:07
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[ID] => 34361
[post_author] => 37
[post_date] => 2023-01-16 13:23:42
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-01-16 17:23:42
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Curso e-learning: programa de etiquetado general y nutricional de alimentos envasados
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[post_name] => curso-e-learning-programa-de-etiquetado-general-y-nutricional-de-alimentos-envasados-8
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[post_modified] => 2023-06-26 13:50:20
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 35997
[post_author] => 37
[post_date] => 2023-04-12 17:08:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-04-12 17:08:02
[post_content] =>
El Día Mundial de la Salud (DMS), que se celebra todos los años el 7 de abril, marca el aniversario de la fundación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en 1948 y cada año se centra en un problema de salud pública específico.
El lema del Día Mundial de la Salud en 2023 es "Salud para todos".
Este año, la OMS celebrará su 75º aniversario bajo el lema 75 años mejorando la salud pública. (Día Mundial de la Salud 2023 - Salud para Todos - OPS/OMS | Organización Panamericana de la Salud (paho.org))
ILSI Mesoamérica es una organización comprometida con la salud y el bienestar de la población. Para este evento contamos con los siguientes invitados:
Dra. María Laura Bonilla Acosta
Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED), Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR)
Universidad de Costa Rica
MSc. Juan Thompson
Director General
Asociación Latinoamericana de Autocuidado Responsable (ILAR)
Dr. Gustavo Sáenz García
Farmacéutico y Director Ejecutivo
Punto Seguro (medicamentos no utilizables y empaques farmacéuticos)
[post_title] => Día Mundial de la Salud - Autocuidado responsable de la salud
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[post_name] => dia-mundial-de-la-salud-autocuidado-responsable-de-la-salud
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[post_modified] => 2023-04-21 11:54:27
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-04-21 15:54:27
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[3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 35591
[post_author] => 355
[post_date] => 2023-02-28 11:53:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-02-28 11:53:23
[post_content] =>
About the event
Bring your research needs to the table! In 2022, ILSI Europe embarked on a transformation journey with the aim to evolve into a more agile, future looking, and member- & stakeholder-centric organization. In the process of developing a new value proposition, ILSI Europe organized three tripartite expert panels in November 2022 to identify the current and upcoming priorities in terms of research across three pillars: 'Food safety and quality', 'Food, nutrition and health' and 'Food security and sustainability'.
It is now time to build upon their recommendations and refine the research activities that ILSI Europe and its members will focus on in the coming months and years.
During this in person workshop, the experts will present the selected themes. Representatives of companies active in the field of food or food-related sector will then have the opportunity to exchange on emerging issues within these themes and bring their research questions forward to co-build new activities within ILSI Europe's new future-looking research agenda.
Join us for a morning of interactions together with seasoned, new and potential ILSI Europe industry members, and the experts who co-developed the pillars. And be inspired by our keynote speaker, Prof. Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights and Co-chair of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food).
- 09:00 Introduction by Isabelle Guelinckx
- 09:15 First "World Café" on research themes from our three pillars, followed by a plenary debrief.
- 10:45-11:00: Break
- 11:10 Keynote presentation by Pr. Olivier De Schutter, followed by Q&A.
- 11:50 Second "World Café" on transversal research themes, followed by a plenary debrief.
- 13:15 Conclusion
- 13:30-14:30 Lunch
The Word Café animation technique will allow for a dynamic workshop during which all participants will be able to provide input to all the themes, and network at the same time.
Dowload the keynote presentation
About the themes
Here are some of the themes that were put forward as priority research areas by the expert panels and that will be proposed in the workshop to formulate research questions:
- Ingredients, foods and diets for the future
- Processing for safe, nutritious & sustainable food
- Stratified approaches to screen & address double burden of malnutrition
- Characterising & evaluating health impact of what we eat
- 15 years of health claim: where are we now and where are we heading?
- Assessing reality of risk
- Risk vs benefit in Food Safety
About the speakers
Prof. Olivier De Schutter (LL.M., Harvard)
teaches at the University of Louvain (UCL) and at Sciences Po (Paris). A member of the Global Law School Faculty at New York University, he was a visiting professor at Columbia University in 2008-2013, and he helped launch the Berkeley Food Institute in 2013-2014. In 2013, he was awarded the prestigious Francqui Prize for his contribution to the social sciences and the humanities.
Mr. De Schutter was the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food between 2008 and 2014. In that capacity he travelled to investigate on the situation of the right to food in different world regions, and he presented a total of 30 reports to the Human Rights Council and to the UN General Assembly on various aspects of the food systems or on his country missions (see http://www.srfood.org). An expert on social and economic rights and on economic globalization and human rights, was elected to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 2015, a position he left to become the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in 2020. He co-chairs the International Panel of experts on sustainable food systems (IPES-Food) since the establishment of IPES-Food in 2015.
Dr. Isabelle Guelinckx, Scientific Director at ILSI Europe, Br
ussel, Belgium since September 2019. She received her MSc and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. She also completed a second Master of Science in Physical Activity and Health at the University Maastricht, the Netherlands and a professional Bachelor in Dietetics and Nutrition at the Catholic College Leuven, Belgium. After 10 years within academia, Isabelle jointed the central R&D of Danone Nutricia Research, France where she managed R&D projects and later on R&D team. Her major research focus with over 40 publications was on the nutritional assessment of fluid intake via the Liq.in7 surveys in populations worldwide. At ILSI Europe Isabelle is responsible for the identification and implementation of scientific profolio, Eu-funded projects and the link with the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Limited to 45 participants. Register to the workshop below before 17 April 2023.
Registrations are closed for this event.
Download the list of participants
Cancellation policy
For registrations, all cancellations should be made in writing to Hugo Costa (hcosta@ilsieurope.be). Cancellations received before 10 April 2023 will be refunded minus €50 handling charges. Cancellations received after 10 April 2023 will not be refunded. Substitutions of registrations are accepted if made in writing to Hugo Costa.
About the venue and getting there

The Conference will take place in Comet Meetings Louise - Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (https://www.comet-meetings.com/lieux/comet-louise) (Open from 8am to 18pm)
The Comet Meetings Louise is located in the heart of the Louise district. Public transport is an excellent option to reach the venue. You can find the public transportation timetable here: https://www.stib-mivb.be/horaires-dienstregeling2.html?l=en.
Metro, tram and bus
- (M) Louise - Lines 2 and 6 (5 min walk)
- (T) Louise - Lines 8, 92, 93, 97 (5 min walk)
- (T) Stéphanie - Lines 8, 92, 93 (2min walk)
- (B) Stéphanie - Line N11 (3min walk)
If you decide to come by your own car, you will find several parking options just a few minutes' walk away.
- Inter-Parking Parking Stéphanie (4min walk)
- Q-Park Parking (4min walk)
- ZenPark Parking (5min walk)
The registration desk will be opened during the following hours:
19th April: 08:30 - 09:30
Access to the conference will only be granted to registered participants. Upon arrival all participants will be checked in, a personal badge and lanyard will be provided.
Accessibility for everyone is one of our priorities. Therefore, Comet have put in place various devices that make their facilities accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM)
If you have any questions or specific access requirements, please email us at any time at hcosta@ilsieurope.be
Free internet is provided throughout the venue.
Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements. A list of hotels close to Comet Meetings Louise can be found here.
Recording and photos
Video recording and photos will be taken during the event for communication purposes.
For more information about the workshop aims and program, please contact Isabelle Guelinckx at iguelinckx@ilsieurope.be
For questions about the registration, please contact Hugo Costa at hcosta@ilsieurope.be
[post_title] => Co-building ILSI Europe's new future-looking research agenda
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[ID] => 35594
[post_author] => 37
[post_date] => 2023-02-28 10:57:40
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-02-28 15:57:40
[post_content] =>
El Día Internacional de la Mujer es una fecha que se conmemora en muchos países del mundo. Cuando las mujeres de todos los continentes, a menudo separadas por fronteras nacionales y diferencias étnicas, lingüísticas, culturales, económicas y políticas, se unen en este día, pueden contemplar una tradición de no menos de noventa años de lucha en pro de la igualdad, la justicia, la paz y el desarrollo. (Antecedentes- Día Internacional de las Mujeres | Naciones Unidas)
Para el 2023, la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer de las Naciones Unidas es "Por un mundo digital inclusivo: Innovación y tecnología para la igualdad de género". La celebración homenajeará a las activistas y organizaciones que luchan por una tecnología y educación transformadoras para mujeres y niñas, explorará los efectos de la brecha digital de género en el crecimiento de las desigualdades sociales y económicas, pondrá de relieve la importancia de proteger sus derechos en los espacios digitales y abordará la violencia de género en línea. (Día Internacional de la Mujer | Naciones Unidas)
ILSI Mesoamérica es una organización comprometida con la promoción de las mujeres en la ciencia. Para este evento contamos con las siguientes invitadas:
Diana Salazar
Co-Fundadora y Co-Directora de Geek Girls LatAm.
MSc. Sofía Blamey
Analista de Políticas División LAC, Dirección de Cooperación y Relaciones Globales de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE)
MSc. Geisel Alpízar
Investigadora y docente del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
[post_title] => Iniciativas para promover el interés de niñas en carreras STEM
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[post_name] => iniciativas-para-promover-el-interes-de-ninas-en-carreras-stem
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[post_modified] => 2023-03-08 11:15:47
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-03-08 16:15:47
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[guid] => https://ilsi.org/?post_type=event&p=35594
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[ID] => 35652
[post_author] => 353
[post_date] => 2023-03-23 01:35:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-03-23 01:35:32
[post_content] =>
Most countries have established recommended nutrient intake values for use for a variety of food and nutrition programs. These have traditionally been provided as recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), with focus on energy, protein and several vitamins and minerals. They are classically used to ensure adequacy of intake of these nutrients of population groups. While these remain of great importance, especially for developing countries, it has now been observed that certain nutrients, when taken at higher dose above RDA, may confer health benefit(s) beyond prevention of nutritional disorders. It would be important to examine how these levels may provide protective effects against some disease conditions. Understanding and establishing appropriate safe upper limit (UL) of nutrients are also of importance. Additionally, there is growing scientific evidence that bioactive components in foods may provide health benefits beyond classical nutrients. Regulatory authorities have permitted the addition of these components to foods and to make function claims.
This seminar provides a platform to review and deliberate on these various aspects of recommended intake values for nutrients and bioactives. These have important implications and impact on various aspects of food and nutrition activities, including food intake programs, product innovation, food fortification, and supplementation.
Presentation 1: Nutrient Requirement and Setting of Recommended Intake Values
Assoc. Prof. Emorn Udomkesmalee, Mahidol University, Thailand
Prof. Emorn Udomkesmalee is the Senior Advisor and Former Director of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. She holds a current position of Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of International Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Internationally, she's the former Board Chair of IFPRI; former Member of the Board of Directors of the Micronutrient Forum and currently serves on the Standing Together for Nutrition (ST4N) Consortium; Technical Advisory Group for Global Anemia Exemplars; Scientific Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy as well as Scientific Director of ILSI Southeast Asia Region. At national level, she holds the position of the Eminent Panel member under the National Policy Council on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation; Chair of Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Nutrition, Office of Atoms for Peace (Thailand) as well as Board member of Ajinomoto Foundation/Thailand.
Her research interests include micronutrients; efficacy of food-based interventions; maternal and child nutrition policy and program implementation. She received her Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry and metabolism from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA in 1985. Her post-doctoral training was at the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, USA (1987).
Presentation 2: Status of Recommended Nutrient Intake Values in 5 SE Asia Countries
Dr. Tee E Siong, SEA-PHN Network, Malaysia
Dr. E Siong Tee has been a Member of the Board of Directors of ILSI SEA Region since 1996 and Scientific Coordinator of ILSI Malaysia Country Committee since 2005. He is currently a Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy. Dr. Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He was Nutrition Advisor to the Food Safety and Quality Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia from 2002-2011. In that capacity, Dr. Tee was Chairperson or member of several technical committees related to food regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He is still a member of the National Advisory Committee on Food Regulations and several Codex sub-committees. Dr. Tee is also President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM). In this capacity, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programs. He represents NSM in several Technical Working Groups in the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the National Coordinating Committee for Food and Nutrition (NCCFN) and the Technical Working Group for Nutritional Guidelines. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network and is the current Chairman of the Network. Dr Tee is also Adjunct Professor of the International Medical University, Malaysia.
Presentation 3: Application of Recommended Intake Values Beyond Nutrient Deficiency Prevention: Past vs. Present
Prof. Manfred Eggersdorfer, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Prof. Manfred Eggersdorfer studied chemistry at the Technical University Munich and did his PhD in organic chemistry in the field of synthesis and characterization of unusual amino acids. He was post-doc at the Stanford-University, California working with Carl Djerassi on the isolation and characterization of sterols from marine origin as potential contraceptives.
He joined Roche in 1999 as Head of R+D Vitamins and continued in this responsibility after DSM acquired this business in 2003.
Since 2013 Manfred Eggersdorfer holds the chair for Healthy Ageing at the University Medical Center Groningen (NL) and teaches nutrition for medical students. His scientific work focuses on the role of essential nutrients for health, vitality, and well-being, especially on the impact of inadequate intake and status of micronutrients over the life cycle with a focus on long term health and healthy ageing.
He is active as member of the Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and he acts as Board member of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Vitaminforschung e.V in Germany. He is author of numerous publications in the fields of vitamins, carotenoids, omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids and nutraceuticals for infants, adults, elderly and risk groups and on innovation in nutritional ingredients. He engages as reviewer for a variety of journals and is Associate Editor of the "International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research" and other journals.
Presentation 4: Approaches and Challenges to the Setting of Upper Levels for Nutrients
Dr. Andrew Bartholomaeus, BartCrofts Pty Ltd, Australia
Dr. Andrew Bartholomaeus is currently the CEO of BartCrofts Pty Ltd, which specializes in providing toxicological and regulatory scientific services for a variety of chemical food safety issues. He also holds extramural appointments as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland Medical School, Australia and an Adjunct Professor of Toxicology and Pharmacy at the University of Canberra, Australia. Before his current position, Dr. Bartholomaeus was the General Manager of the Risk Assessment Branch at Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) until his retirement in 2012. During his time at FSANZ, he also served as the chair during the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on 'The Application of Nanotechnologies in Food and Agriculture Sectors: Potential Food Safety Implications'. From 2004 to 2008, he was the Chief Toxicologist at the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia, with responsibilities in the area of preclinical assessment and in leading the TGA's response to the Australian National Nanotechnology Strategy.
Dr. Bartholomaeus was previously a member of the ILSI International Food Biotechnology Committee (IFBiC) Steering Group. He is also a member of the Society of Toxicology and Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment (ACTRA). Dr. Bartholomaeus obtained his B.S. degree in Pharmacy from the University of Sydney and PhD in Toxicology from RMIT University, Australia.
Presentation 5: Moving Beyond Current Recommended Intakes: Vitamin C as a Case Example
Prof. Anitra Carr, University of Otago, New Zealand
Prof. Anitra Carr is Director of the Nutrition in Medicine Research Group at the University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. Anitra is a biomedical researcher and international key opinion leader on the role of vitamin C in human health and disease. Following a PhD at UOC, Anitra undertook an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, USA. Whilst there she produced a number of high impact publications on the role of vitamin C in human health and disease which helped inform US dietary recommendations for vitamin C (IOM 2000). Following a return to New Zealand, Anitra began carrying out a translational research program comprising human intervention studies investigating the bioavailability and potential health effects of vitamin C which has helped inform EU dietary recommendations for vitamin C (EFSA 2013). More recently she has carried out research into the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic diseases such as infection, cancer and diabetes. In 2016 Anitra was awarded a 4-year New Zealand Health Research Council Fellowship to investigate the role of vitamin C in severe infections such as pneumonia and sepsis, two major complications of COVID-19. In 2021, Anitra was invited by the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022 (NNR2022) committee to update vitamin C recommendations for the 8 Nordic and Baltic countries. Anitra is Associate Editor for the journal Nutrition Research and a long-time member of the Editorial Boards of the journals Nutrients and Antioxidants. Anitra was recently awarded a Gold Medal for sustained research excellence.
Presentation 6: Addressing Botanical Bioavailability Limitations: New Approaches by Modification of Macronutrient Food Components
Prof. Chin-Kun Wang, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
Prof. Chin-Kun Wang is a distinguished professor in Chung Shan Medical University (CSMU), Executive Councillor of International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST)., Former President of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Fellows of IAFoST and ISNFF, Honorary President of Nutrition Society of Taiwan. He got his Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University and worked at Chung Shan Medical University in 1993. In 1996, he promoted as a full professor, and then took the positions of the Chair, Dean, Vice President and President in CSMU. His research work is focused on human clinical trials and human metabolism of medicine, nutritional supplement, nutraceuticals, herbs, and functional foods. Recently he also pays great attention on precision nutrition by using big data. He got the National Award of Biomedicine for his great contribution to the medical education in 2008. He also got the awards of outstanding research of many societies from 2009 to 2022. For food safety and nutrition, he promoted the legislation for school sanitary law and national nutrition law. In the future, he tries his best to work together with the scientists around the world and would like to promote the advanced development of food science and technology.
Panel Discussion
Ms. Wei Tang, Nutrition External Engagement (Asia), Unilever China
Ms. Wei Tang is Regional Head of Nutrition External Engagement (Asia) of Unilever. Ms. Tang supports Unilever's external nutrition and health-related programs and collaboration across Asia. She has 16 years of working experience in Research & Development at various positions related to Nutrition & Science, Product Development and Scientific Affairs in France and China. She joined Unilever in 2017 as Regional Head of Nutrition External Engagement for North Asia and expanded her responsibility to Southeast Asia and Australasia (SEAA) region from 2018. Ms. Tang obtained her M.Sc. in Biology and Innovation in Quality and Productions of Vegetable respectively at University Paris XIII and University Paris XI.
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If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at event@ilsisea.org.sg
[post_title] => Science Symposium in conjunction with ILSI SEA Region 2023 Annual Meeting - ReThink Nutrient Recommendations for Optimizing Health and Harmonizing Approaches
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