Upcoming ILSI Events

At ILSI, we bring science and research to diverse audiences through a wide range of events. From independent symposia and workshops to hands-on training sessions, we host, sponsor, and co-organize events that foster learning and collaboration. Many of ILSI's events are also featured as part of larger scientific and professional conferences, further expanding opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and discovery. Join us!

ILSI Events, Meetings, and Scientific Symposia


FNS-Cloud Final Event

Brussels, Belgium

After four years of collaboration, the Horizon 2020 project “FNS-Cloud” will launch the first generation cloud-solution for food data during its final event in Brussels (BE).

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First National Seminar on Personalized / Precision Nutrition for Sustainable Health: From Theory to Practice

New Delhi , India

The Seminar will explore this new area of “Personalized or Precision Nutrition” and its benefits for building health, immunity and longevity, international and national developments, use of Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection requirements and issues like adequate support in the form of infrastructure and Manpower and Need for a Guidance Document. The Seminar will be first in the series of activities in this area to be organized by ILSI India.

For more details download the information flyer at: https://tinyurl.com/ycyfawsf

For Registration please use the following link: https://forms.gle/QCvgxtgKrzX92Z9m8

Last date for registration is 8 September.

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Session at Eurotox 2023

Ljujljana, Slovenia

EUROTOX 2023 will take place from 10 to 13 September 2023. ILSI Europe’s Food Contaminants Task Force is sponsoring a session on “Consideration of the endogenous exposome in risk assessment”. ILSI Europe will also be present in the Exibition area throughout the congress.

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Acryred WG1 Workshop – Cross-cutting topics

Bratislava, Slovakia

The Working Group 1 Interdisciplinary exchange and integration of knowledge on asparagine and acrylamide of Acryred Cost Action will meet in Bratislava, at the Food Research Institute, in Bratislava (SK).

The meeting, organised along with the first Acryred Training School, aims at analyzing the results achieved by the Working Group in its first year of activities.

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				Eurotox flyer

EUROTOX 2023 will take place from 10 to 13 September 2023 and welcomes all toxicologists working in Europe and all over the world. The following Session is supported by ILS Europe's Food Contaminants Task Force: Session S05: Consideration of the endogenous exposome in risk assessment

  • 2:00 PM - S05-01: N-Nitroso compounds, acrylamide and acrolein: paradigmatic research gaps within a wide spectrum of agents making up a largely unexplored endogenous exposome (G. Eisenbrand)
  • 2:30 PM - S05-02: Biomarker based dosimetry of endogenous vs. exogenous exposure to acetaldehyde, furan, and glycation compounds (A. Mally, C. Kalisch, G. Eisenbrand, I. Rietjens, A. Hartwig)
  • 3:00 PM - S05-03: Implications of endogenous exposure for risk assessment (I. Rietjens, M. Arand, H. Bolt, S. Bourdoux, A. Hartwig, N. Hinrichsen, C. Kalisch, A. Mally, G. Pellegrino, D. Ribera, N. Thatcher, G. Eisenbrand)

ILSI Europe will also be present in the Exibition area throughout the congress. Join us at our booth! Full programme: www.eurotox2023.com/programme Registrations: www.eurotox2023.com/registration

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About the event

The Working Group 1 Interdisciplinary exchange and integration of knowledge on asparagine and acrylamide of Acryred Cost Action will meet in Bratislava, at the Food Research Institute, in Bratislava (SK).

The meeting, organised along with the first Acryred Training School, aims at analyzing the results achieved by the Working Group in its first year of activities.

In particular, with different sessions organized during the meeting, the WG1 members will evaluate the harmonization of the results achieved so far and it will plan the future activities of the Action, its objectives of the second year of implementation, and how to strengthen the communication activities with and the identification of the main events in the sector.

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