Comprehensive, up-to-date food composition databases are critical to health agencies trying to determine the nutritional value of foods and beverages people actually consume. This information is used to shape programs and guidance to improve nutrition across entire populations and to help sub-populations with special needs. ILSI is interested in improving the accuracy and currency of these databases, and in fostering harmonization on methods used to create them so data can be compared across national borders.
Evaluating Methodologies
Symposium on Dietary Intakes: Assessing What We Eat & Evaluating Methodologies
Read MoreILSI at ICN: Wednesday, 18 October, 11:30 – 13:30
Advancement of Global Food Composition Databases
Read MoreILSI North America Partners on Branded Foods Database
In September 2016, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the launch of the USDA Branded Food Products Database.
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