ILSI at ICN: Wednesday, 18 October, 11:30 – 13:30

Advancement of Global Food Composition Databases

This session was sponsored by ILSI North America, the ILSI Research Foundation, and ILSI Southeast Asia Region.

The importance of comprehensive food composition databases is more critical than ever in helping to address global food security. This session presented an overview of food composition databases around the world and included case studies on new developments in strengthening these food composition databases to improve the quality of dietary assessment surveys.

ASEANFOODS is the Association of Southeast Asian Networks of Food Data systems. The goal and objectives of the ASEANFOODS, which are in line with those of FAO’s INFOODS, are to strengthen the development of national and regional food composition data with high quality, adequate quantity and accessibility to the users in ASEAN and other regions. This session provided an update on new developments in ASEANFOODS.

“A Partnership for Public Health: USDA Branded Food Products Database” is a public-private partnership between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), ILSI North America, GS1 US, and Label Insight whose goal is to enhance public health and the sharing of open data by enhancing the USDA National Nutrient Database with nutrient composition of branded food and private label data provided by the food industry. The publically available data will enhance the capabilities of international databases that use the USDA National Nutrient Database. Information on how countries can submit food composition data to the USDA Branded Food Products Database was covered.


Welcome and Introduction to the Session

Alison Kretser, MS, RDN (Session Chair)
ILSI North America, USA

What’s New: The USDA Branded Food Products Database

Pamela Starke-Reed, PhD
US Department of Agriculture, USA