Volume 37, Number 2
Nutrition and Dietetics Lecture Series

ILSI South Andean
Safety of Artisanal Dairy Products

ILSI Mesoamerica
Over the past three years, research was conducted on the production and safety of three types of artisan cheeses produced in Costa Rica. Once the research was complete, the researchers began training producers throughout the country. On 28 March, the researchers hosted a course designed for officials of government institutions involved in the inspection, consulting, or training of domestic dairy producers engaged in the production of rolled pasta cheeses, salted and dried cheeses, and Fermented milk. More information on the research and the course.
The Integration of Omics in Microbiological Risk Assessment

ILSI Europe
Public Symposium, “NGS for Food Safety”

ILSI Japan
SUSFANS Project Outcomes

ILSI Europe
ILSI Europe is one of the partners in the implementation of the SUSFANS project. This four-year EU-funded project brought together a group of 30 stakeholders involved in food systems at all levels (industry, policy, consumer organizations) from four European countries (Czech Republic, France, Denmark and Italy) who gave their input to build the conceptual framework, the evidence base and analytical tools for underpinning EU-wide food policies with respect to their impact on consumer diet and their implications for nutrition and public health in the EU, the environment, the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sectors, and global food and nutrition security. The closing ceremony of SUSFANS on 7 March, saw the participation of high level speakers who shared the major outcomes of the project and agreed that EU can shift towards sustainable diets and a sustainable supply system by 2030-2050, but it will require a transformation in production, trade, distribution and consumption of food. More information.
Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds

ILSI Research Foundation
Sublethal Endpoints in Non-Target Organism Testing for Non-Bt GE Crops

ILSI Research Foundation
Recent developments in biotechnology have led to the development of genetically engineered (GE) plants that incorporate novel insect protection traits unrelated to the proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis that are expressed in “Bt” plants. On 5-6 March in Washington, D.C., with support from the Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee, the ILSI Research Foundation convened scientists from academia, government, and industry to consider how to measure potential adverse environmental impacts of non-Bt GE crops on non-target organisms. More information.
E-learning: Training in General and Nutritional Labeling of Packaged Foods

ILSI Mesoamerica
On 4 March, the fifth online course on the general and nutritional packaged food labeling program took place. The course was hosted by the ILSI Mesoamerica Nutrition and Food Technology Committee, with the collaboration of the National Center for Food Science and Technology (CITA) of the University of Costa Rica. The course was aimed at government officials and food companies in Central America and the Dominican Republic, whose function is to generate technical information on labels, advice, review and approve the general labeling of pre-packaged foods and the nutritional labeling of pre-packaged food products for human consumption from 3 years of age. More information.
Principles and Best Practices for Scientific Integrity

ILSI North America
The Scientific Integrity Consortium developed a set of recommended principles and best practices that can be used broadly across scientific disciplines as a mechanism for consensus on scientific integrity standards, and to better equip scientists to operate in a rapidly changing research environment. ILSI North America is a member of the Scientific Integrity Consortium, which comprises 4 U.S. government agencies, 3 Canadian government agencies, 11 professional societies, 6 universities and 3 non-profit organizations. The manuscript was published 27 February in Science and Engineering Ethics.
ILSI Japan Healthy Diet Research Committee

ILSI Japan
On 21 February, ILSI Japan hosted a debrief meeting on the progress of the Healthy Diet Research Committee in Tokyo. Three sub-committee leaders reported current status of their survey respectively, and two invited speakers from academia and national research institution gave lectures to more than 90 participants. More information (Japanese).
Adherence of Malaysian Adults’ Energy and Macronutrient Intakes

ILSI Southeast Asia Region
A meta-analysis review that was part of the ILSI SEA Region’s contribution in the One ILSI Healthy Aging Project was published in 2018. In the review, twenty studies (five nationwide, 15 individual) indicated that Malaysian adults generally met or exceeded recommendations for fat and protein but were inconsistent concerning energy and carbohydrates. It concluded that improved dietary assessment methods (including use of biomarkers), better data analysis, and updated food composition data, will provide more reliable information for policy decisions and recommendations for improvement. More information.
Food and Nutrition Labeling and Claims Workshop

ILSI Southeast Asia Region
In December 2018, ILSI SEA Region had co-organized the 2nd National Workshop on Food and Nutrition Labeling and Claims in Myanmar with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Myanmar to provide updates on Codex food and nutrition labeling and claims guidelines and recommendation, share recent development in the discussion on potential harmonization of nutrition labeling and claims, as well as guidelines and regulations on tolerance limit for nutrient declaration on the Nutrition Information Panel. The roundtable discussion also allowed participants to identify and share potential challenges and solutions regarding drafting of nutrition labeling regulations.
Nutrition Reviews

Sharon Donovan, PhD, RD

Rachel Novotny, PhD, RDN, LD
Two Nutrition Reviews' Associate Editors Named to United States 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
ILSI Southeast Asia Region

Seminar on Food Safety Risk Communication
2 April | Bangkok, Thailand
The seminar is organized by ILSI Southeast Asia Region and ILSI Southeast Asia Region Thailand Country Committee. More information.
ILSI Europe

ILSI Europe Annual Symposium
3 April | Brussels, Belgium
ILSI Brazil

ILSI Brazil Annual Meeting
10-12 April | Águas de São Pedro, Brazil
ILSI Southeast Asia Region

Science Symposium on Smart Eating - Harnessing New Technologies for Health and Sustainability
23 April | Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
ILSI North America

Food for Health Workshop at the 2019 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting
2 May | Niagara Falls, Ontario
ILSI Southeast Asia Region

Human Variability in Response to Food and Nutrients: Building the Bridge to Personalized Nutrition – Challenges and Opportunities for Industry, Public Health and Academia
14-15 May | Sydney, Australia
This event is organized by ILSI SEA Region Australasia Country Committee, co-organized with CSIRO, Australia, and in collaboration with University of South Australia Business School. More information.
ILSI Southeast Asia Region

Science Symposium on Human Variability & Personalized Nutrition – Opportunities for Research, Public Health Benefits and Food Innovation
17 May | Singapore

2020 ILSI Annual Meeting & Science Symposium
17-21 January | San Jose, Costa Rica
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