Volume 37, Number 3
ILSI Europe Announces New Executive Director
ILSI Europe announces Mr. Ignacio Garamendi as Executive Director, effective 13 May, 2019. Mr. Garamendi was former head of the International Diabetes Federation, Europe (IDFE) as the European Regional Manager (Director General). He holds an MSc in Marketing and Management More information.
ILSI North America Earns the 2019 GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency
ILSI North America
Harnessing New Technologies for Health and Sustainability
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
In conjunction with ILSI Southeast Asia Region Annual Meeting 2019, the Science Symposium on Smart Eating was held on 23 April in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting explored the definition of smart eating and sustainability and discussed how technologies have revolutionized the agri-food industry and could be further harnessed to improve our populations’ health and nutritional well-being. More information.
ILSI Taiwan Celebrates 6th Anniversary
ILSI Taiwan
Report on Food Consumption Surveys
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
ILSI India Publishes Monograph on Eating Right for Healthy You
ILSI India
ILSI India published a monograph entitled “Eating Right for Healthy You” on 26 April. The monograph includes information on what can be considered as healthy food and healthy diet, the function and importance of different nutrients, RDAs, how to choose wisely from each food group, and how to keep food safe and enhance nutrients while cooking at home. The role of physical activity has also been highlighted. Download the monograph.
2019 Conference on Physical Activity and Health in China
ILSI Focal Point in China
ELANS: New Publication
ILSI Argentina
“Total and added sugars consumption in Argentina: Their contribution to daily energy intake. Results from Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (ELANS)” was published 4 April in Nutrition & Dietetics. This is the first publication of Argentine results from the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health. One of the conclusions was that in Argentina, the intake of added sugar was 50% above the recommendations, and that younger and socially vulnerable people are at higher risk of excessive intake.
USDA Launches FoodData Central
ILSI North America
On 3 April, USDA’s Agricultural Research Service launched a new integrated food and nutrition data system that provides online access to nutrient profile information about a wide variety of foods and food products. FoodData Central contains five distinct types of food and nutrient composition data, including the USDA Global Branded Food Products Database, which is the result of a public-private partnership between ILSI North America, USDA ARS, GS1 US, 1WorldSync, Label Insight and the University of Maryland. More information.
Seminar & ASEAN Regional Workshop on Food Safety Risk Communication
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
On 2-3 April, a seminar and workshop were organized in collaboration with ILSI SEA Region Thailand Country Committee, supported by FAO and the ASEAN Product Working Group on Prepared Foodstuff. The half-day seminar shared knowledge on Codex guidelines and key considerations in risk communication, introduced the new concept of food information communication and highlighted the importance of multiple stakeholders’ partnerships. The 1.5-day closed-door workshop was attended by ASEAN regulators to discuss challenges and opportunities in risk communication among the ASEAN countries.
ILSI Argentina
ILSI Argentina took part in ISBR15, held 1-4 April in Tarragona, Spain. Members of the Biotechnology Working Group participated in two sessions: “Familiarity in the context of risk assessment of transgenic crops in the Americas” and “Case Study: Transportability of Virus Resistant Transgenic Common Bean-Field Studies from Brazil to Argentina”. Dr. Clara Rubinstein also presented about the Concept of Familiarity at the workshop titled Benefits and Strategies for Global Regulatory Data Streamlining, Harmonization and Collaboration. A publication regarding the session organized by ILSI Argentina and ILSI Brazil will be issued in 2020.
World Bank Global Food Safety Partnership Food Chemical Risk Assessment Training
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Risk assessment is a fundamental aspect of risk management in food safety and there is a need to broaden understanding of the principles, and to teach practical data requirements and analysis procedures. The World Bank has commissioned learning modules on Food Chemical-Contaminant Risk Assessment, under GFSP, which aim to build and enhance capability in risk assessment within the ASEAN region. To facilitate the usage of this training module, ILSI SEA Region and the Singapore Food Agency had organized a follow-up Workshop on Food Chemical Risk Assessment from 19-21 March in Singapore. More information (page 24-25).
Impact of Three Different Daily Doses of Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Healthy School Boys from North India: A Randomized Single- Blind Clinical Trial
ILSI India
In India, there is a lack of information about the adequate daily dose of vitamin D3 supplementation in school children. Hence, ILSI India facilitated a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the adequacy and efficacy of different doses of vitamin D3 in schoolchildren. The study concluded that vitamin D deficient children seem to derive maximum from a daily dose of 2000 IU/day with 95% achieving serum levels of ≥ 20ng/ml following supplementation. The findings suggest it may be debatable if the current RDAs for vitamin D in India of (400 IU/day), and the United States as recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research, and (600 IU/day) of vitamin D by Institute of Medicine, USA would suffice to are sufficient to achieve vitamin D adequacy sufficiency in children remains debatable. The results were published in the British Journal of Nutrition in March.
Nutrition Reviews
Supplement Proposals Welcome
The editors of Nutrition Reviews are welcoming proposals for supplement topic ideas, guest editors, and sponsors. Have you recently organized or attended a symposium or scientific meeting on a topic that would make an interesting supplement? Would you or a colleague like to take the lead and guest edit a supplement? If so, please contact Marnie Vandenburg at marnie.vandenburg@oup.com to discuss the supplement process, timeline, and benefits of publishing in Nutrition Reviews.
Call for Authors
Are you a scientist or researcher with expertise in food safety, risk assessment, microbiology, or regulation? Would you like to join a select group of experts contributing to a groundbreaking new book on exposure-led risk assessment and management of changes in food composition at all key stages of food production? Learn more about this exciting opportunity to share your knowledge in ILSI’s latest book project Present Knowledge in Food Safety – A Risk-Based Approach Through the Food Chain.
ILSI Research Foundation
Gene Drive Modeling Conference Seminar Series
11-12 June | Washington, DC, USA
Convened by ILSI Research Foundation and funded by the USDA’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program, this two-day event will bring together regulators, risk assessors, modelers, and biologists to discuss the applicability of mathematical models for the environmental risk assessment of gene drive organisms. The conference is preceded by a series of online seminars.
ILSI Argentina
ILSI North America
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
2020 ILSI Annual Meeting & Science Symposium
17-21 January | San Jose, Costa Rica
Save the Date!