ILSI India Publications
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Status Paper on “Global Initiatives to Reduce Post-Harvest Food Losses and Waste” by ILSI India and ICAR-CIPHET
NA, 2024
Efficacy of Nutraceuticals (Probiotics or Prebiotics or Synbiotics) in the Prevention or Treatment of Covid -19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cogent Food and Agriculture , 2024
This review assesses the efficacy and safety of nutraceuticals in preventing or treating Covid-19.
White Paper on Integrated Food Chain Surveillance for Enhancing Food Safety- A Model Approach
Safety of food and water is of paramount importance in the public health domain. Safety concerns include all those hazards which make food injurious to health. Specific of these food hazards are chemical and microbiological contaminants, biological toxins, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, and allergens.
It is important that a National Food Control System should be such that the consumer is protected from unsafe food. The integrated food chain surveillance system is being recognized as a holistic approach in various developed countries for controlling food safety risks across the entire food chain.
Keeping the aforesaid considerations in view the current White Paper on “Integrated Food Chain Surveillance for Enhancing Food Safety- A Model Approach” captures some of the critical areas of operation that need to be addressed holistically. The application, feasibility and usefulness of the Integrated Food Chain Surveillance system is explored from a developing country perspective including India through a review of literature and designing a “Model Activity Plan” of the integrated food chain surveillance in the Indian context.
The White Paper can be viewed at:
Monograph on “Nutrient Risk Assessment – Vitamins, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds”
The Monograph provides detailed information about Nutrient Risk Assessment of Vitamins, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds, methodology used for NRA, deriving safe limits for nutrients, exposure assessment and risk characterization etc.
The Executive Summary of this Monograph is available freely from ILSI India website. It can be viewed at:
To get a copy of the Monograph please writes to us at
Effect of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Insulin Regulation, Glycemic Response, Appetite and Weight Management: A Systematic Review
Nutrition and Food Science, 2023
This is a systematic review on the effect of non-nutritive sweeteners on appetite, weight, glycemic regulation, and gut microbiome.