ILSI India Publications

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Concept Paper on Best Practices for Ethical Conduct of human Intervention Studies for Novel Food/ Ingredients/Processes/ Technology/ Claim Substantiation by ILSI India K-FFIG

The Concept Paper discusses the need for conducting Human Intervention Studies for substantiating “Claims” for Food Products, Food ingredients including the nutrients as such but not limited to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical extracts, herbs, spices, spice oleoresins and bioactive substances. It also provides guidance on important considerations for conducting Human Intervention Trials. The Concept Paper Can Be Downloaded From:

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Power Point Presentations at CENFFI – Seminar on Clinical Evaluation / Intervention Studies for New Foods & Food Ingredients- Current Status and Way Forward

The Seminar look at current approaches for conducting Clinical Evaluation / Intervention Studies for  Foods in India, the Importance of National Regulations, Data Requirements for Substantiation of Claim, Ethical Issues, Good Clinical Practices, Role of Stakeholders (FBOs, CROs, Regulators) in conducting Clinical Evaluation Activities and Best Practices for Conducting Clinical Evaluation.

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Nutrition and Cognitive Health: A Life Course Approach

Multiple factors affect cognitive health, such as age-related changes in the brain, injuries, mood disorders, substance abuse, and diseases. While some cannot be changed, evidence exists of many potentially possibly modifiable lifestyle factors: diet, physical activity, cognitive and social engagement, smoking and alcohol consumption which may stabilize or improve declining cognitive function.

DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1023907

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More about ILSI India’s research work on nutrition, food safety and sustainability can be found here: