Volume 38, Number 1
The 2020 ILSI Annual Meeting & Science Symposium took place 17-21 January in San Jose, Costa Rica. Thank you to all attendees, moderators, presenters, and our planning committee for helping make the event a great success.
ILSI Management Team and Staff Meeting
ILSI Executive Directors and staff in attendance met for a one day meeting to discuss governance changes, organizational goals, and updates from Global staff. There were several breakouts designed to discuss topics in small groups and then present out to the group for a more collaborative discussion.
ILSI Stakeholders Gathering
Who Is an Expert, Who Gets to Decide?
The session took place during the ILSI Stakeholders Gathering. The session focused on defining the issues, policy processes in North America, the expertise of policy panels, and the role of public-private partnerships.
Chair: Sylvia Rowe, SR Strategy
Speakers: Sylvia Rowe, SR Strategy; Ann Yaktine, Director of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Connie Weaver, PhD, Purdue University Distinguished Professor Emerita; and Alan Boobis, OBE, Professor, Imperial College London
Smart Consumer Protection and Increasing Consumer Trust
Co-Chairs: Mario G. Ferruzzi, PhD, North Carolina State University and Kerr Dow, PhD, Cargill Incorporated
Speakers: Saskia van Ruth, PhD, Wageningen Food Safety Research - BU Authenticity & Bioassays; Eric Parkin, Digital Business Leader, Cargill; Jessie Usaga, National Centre of Food Technology of the University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica; and Erdogan Ceylan, PhD, CFS, Mérieux NutriSciences
Food Allergens: A Continuously Evolving Public Health Issue
Co-Chairs: Jason Hlywka, PhD, Kraft Heinz and Stefano Luccioli, PhD, FDA
Speakers: Jamie Waldron, MD, University of North Carolina School of Medicine; Joseph Baumert, PhD, University of Nebraska – Lincoln; Lynne Haber, PhD, University of Cincinnati; Michael Abbott, PhD, Health Canada; and Kevin Boyd, PhD, The Hershey Company
Global Harmonization of Nutrient Recommendations (ASN)
The session discussed harmonizing nutrient reference values around the world, a resource toolbox to standardize recommendations, and sustaining global nutrient recommendations in the future. The session was sponsored by the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).
Co-Chairs: Connie Weaver, PhD, Purdue University Distinguished Professor Emerita and Janet King, PhD, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, University of Davis & University of Berkley
Speakers: Susan Fairweather-Tait, PhD, University of East Anglia; Janet King, PhD, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, University of California at Berkeley and Davis; and Lindsay Allen, PhD, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service
Carbohydrate Forum: Fibers, Prebiotics and Sugars
The session included a presentation entitled, Low Glycemic Index Foods for Metabolic Health: Fact or Fiction, given by Jeyakumar Henry, PhD, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), Singapore.
The presentation was followed by a discussion with the audience.
Trends in Nutrition
Co-Chairs: Jeyakumar Henry, PhD, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and Laurent Le Bellego, PhD, Danone
Speakers: David Zeevi, PhD, The Rockefeller University; Jose Ordovas, PhD, Jean Mayer USDA, Human Research Center on Ageing, Tufts; Wendelyn Jones PhD, ILSI North America; and Alie de Boer, PhD, University of Maastricht
Eating by the Headlines
Co-Chairs: Fergus Clydesdale, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Tia Rains, PhD, Ajinomoto
Speakers: Jason Riis, PhD, Behavioralize; Jacqueline A. Vernarelli, PhD, Sacred Heart University; and Eric Decker, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Smart Packaging for a Sustainable and Healthier World
The session discussed the smart packaging revolution, detection and characterization of microplastics accumulation in the food chain, and sustainability and circular economy.
Co-Chairs: Ellen de Brabander, PepsiCo and Jose Vega Baudrit, PhD, National Center of Technology of Costa Rica
Speakers: Jose Rafael Gonzalez Mendez, Vegetales Fresquita S.A.; Joseph Cotruvo, PhD, Joseph Cotruvo and Associates, LLC; and Víctor Umana, Latin American Centre for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) at INCAE Business School
Contributions of Food Science and Technology to Assure Safe, Healthy and Smart Eating
Co-Chairs: Carmela Velazquez, PhD, Univeristy of Costa Rica and Jorge Arturo Jara, ILSI Mesoamerica President / Coca-Cola
Speakers: Ana María Quirós, Universidad de Costa Rica, President of the Costa Rican Association of Food Technologists; Susana Socolovsky, PhD, CFS, President of the Argentine Association of Food Technologists; Sara Esther Valdés Martínez, PhD, University of Mexico, President of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Food Science and Technology (ALACCTA); and Rafael Ponce de León, Mexico Laboratory of Technology in Food Quality, Cuautitlan and UNAN Mexico
MIST Scholars
The Malaspina International Scholars Travel Award is granted to exceptional early career scientists to help foster professional growth and development. Learn more about the MIST Awards Program.
Lightning Round Awardees
Congratulations to our Lightning Round awardees who presented Monday 20 January before the poster session.
Dra. Carolina Rojas-Garbanzo
University of Costa Rica, National Center for Food Science and Technology
Recognizing Psidium Fruits as Sources of Bioactive Compounds: Supporting Smart Eating for Health and Sustainability
MSc. Katherine Sánchez Zúñiga
TEC / Technologico de Costa Rica
Comparison of Soil Conditions in Gros Michel Banana Plantations Infected with FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. CUBENSE Race 1
Event Photos
2021 ILSI Annual Meeting & Science Symposium
Join us for the premiere gathering of scientists from around the world!
Save-the-Date and visit www/ilsi.org/annualmeeting for more information.