Labeling of food products made with ingredients derived from Genetic Engineering
San José, Costa Rica
February 9, 2016
Park Inn Hotel
This event was carried out thanks to the Risk Analysis, Biotechnology and Pharmacovigilance Committee of ILSI Mesoamerica, with the participation of representatives of the Presidency of the Republic, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), National Service of Animal Health (SENASA), Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), CODEX Commission and the State Phytosanitary Service (SFE).
It also had the participation of representatives of the University of Costa Rica, National University of Costa Rica and Technological University of Costa Rica.
Post PhD. Ariel Alvarez.
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV), Mexico.
PhD. Javier Castellanos.
National Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance (INVIMA), Colombia.
Dr. Ricardo Calderón.
US Grain Council expert, USA.
PhD Martin Lema.
Ministry of Agro-Industry of Argentina, Argentina.
PhD. Marilia Santos.
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Brazil