E-learning course: program of general and nutritional labeling of packaged foods
San José, Costa Rica
August 3, 2020
The online course on the Program of General and Nutritional Labeling of Packaged Foods, is a project led by the Committee of Nutrition and Food Technology of ILSI Mesoamerica, with the collaboration of the National Center for Food Science and Technology (CITA) at the University of Costa Rica.
General Objective of the course: That the participant applies according to their working environment the Central American Technical Regulation of general labeling for previously packaged foods (RTCA 67.01.02: 10) and the Central American Technical Regulation of nutritional labeling of pre-packaged food products for human consumption for the population from 3 years of age (RTCA 67.01.60: 10) in force.
The course is aimed at all personnel of institutions and food companies in the Central American region whose function is to generate technical information on labels, advise, review and approve general labeling of pre-packaged foods and nutritional labeling of pre-packaged food products for human consumption. for the population from 3 years of age.
The methodology of the course: A virtual platform will be used for which each participant will have a user and password. The course will use tools such as videos, support documents, and activities for the implementation of the knowledge acquired.
- General Labeling: M.Sc. Ana Isabel Incer González, teacher, and researcher at the School of Food Technology of the University of Costa Rica.
- Nutritional Labeling: Lic. Graciela Artavia, technical manager of the chemistry laboratory of the National Center for Food Science and Technology (CITA) at the University of Costa Rica.
Start date: Full capacity
Information: financiero@ilsimesoamerica.org