III ILSI Latin America Food Fortification Symposium

III ILSI Latin America Food Fortification Symposium
Guatemala City, Guatemala
May 4, 2016
Hotel Real Intercontinental

The objective of the event is to develop an agenda that allows presenting most of the issues related to food fortification as well as the status of the micronutrient needs of the population in the region.

In addition to providing the region with an environment that allows generating and growing, public-private partnerships in the region in order to favor the solution of the problems of nutritional deficiencies in the region.


Introduction to the Nutritional State of the Central American Population.
Dr. Ana Victoria Román.
Technical Union of Nutrition and Micronutrients of INCAP.

The role of complements, supplements and fortified foods.
Dr. Hector Cori.
Nutrition Science Director Latin America, DSM.

Fortification during the cycle of life: What, How, When, How much, Where, For what and for whom?
Dr. Oscar Brunser.
Professor of the U. Chile. Nestlé Nutrition Institute.

Science and applied technologies in the development and responsible promotion of fortified foods in the region.
Nestlé: voluntary fortification.
Molinos Modernos: fortification of wheat flour and pasta.
GRUMA Group: fortification of rice and corn flours.
Nestlé: United for Healthy Children of Central America

Food fortification in Central America. Public-private initiatives of high impact in public health: case studies (wheat flour and corn, salt, sugar, rice).
Dr. Noel Solomons
CeSSIAM, Guatemala.

Role of Food Fortification in countries with a double nutritional burden.
Professor Sucelly Orozco de Morales.

Risk Science Applied to the Food Fortification.
PDr. Hector Cori.
Nutrition Science Director Latin America, DSM.

Round table led by Dr. Solomons. State of current situation and challenges. 
Representatives of Central American Governments.

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