Food Additives: Analysis of risk, toxicology and market trends
San José, Costa Rica
May 16, 2018 – May 17, 2018
Hotel Barceló San José Palacio
A food additive is a substance that, without itself constituting a food or having nutritional value, is intentionally added to foods and beverages in minimum quantities with the aim of modifying its organoleptic characteristics or facilitating or improving its elaboration or conservation process. In this process of improvement of the elaboration also obtains a texturización in which the elaboradores obtain some gains in weight of product.
The general classification of food additives can be:
- Substances that prevent biological chemical alterations (antioxidants, synergists of antioxidants and preservatives).
- Stabilizing substances of physical characteristics (emulsifiers, thickeners, gelling agents, defoamers, anti-caking agents, anti-caking agents, humectants, pH regulators).
- Substances that correct the plastic qualities. (Bread improvers, winemaking correctors, ripening regulators).
- Substances that modify the organoleptic characteristics (dyes, flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners, aromas).
If you want to know more about the current trends in food additives, the Risk Analysis and Biotechnology Committee is pleased to invite you to the Symposium on Food Additives: risk analysis, toxicology and market trends that will be carried out in the month of May 2018.
Investment: includes food, materials and certificate.
- $ 250 general admission.
- $ 200 academics and active students.
Information about forms of payment and enrollment process:
PhD. Brenda Manjarrez
Graduated in Food Chemistry from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she joined Sensient Colors in 2006 as a Chemical Analyst and has been in charge of Regulatory Affairs. In addition, it carries out regulatory investigations for the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risk.
PhD. María Cecilia Toledo
Food Engineering and PhD in Food Science from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil, with Post-Doctorate in Food Toxicology at Oregon State University, USA. He is a member of the Commission for Scientific Technical Advice on Functional Foods and New Ingredients (CTCAF) and the Technical Group of Food Additives (GTFA) together with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA).
PhD. Silvia Nair Goyanes
Bachelor and Doctor in Physical Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (UBA). Principal Investigator CONICET and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the UBA. He was an Advisor to YPF-Technologies and has been a member of several national and international evaluation committees.
PhD. Susana Socolovsky
PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. International technical consultant in food technological innovation and food regulations. President 2017-2019 of the AATA (Argentine Association of Food Technologists).
PhD. Teresa Croce
PhD in Chemistry from Vanderbilt University. Collaborator of the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) since 2010 as Consumer Safety Officer in the Petitions Review Division where she is responsible for managing and coordinating the scientific and safety review of food additive requests and color additives.
PhD. Virginia Montero
Researcher in Nanotechnology, Toxicology, Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology at Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
Ing. Dennis Wiliquet
General Manager of the company Galactic Químicos which produces quality lactic acid and derivatives through fermentation and natural purification.
PhD. José Roberto Vega-Baudrit
Doctorate in Nanotechnology from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Alicante, Spain. Specialty in Biodegradable Polymers awarded by the National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research - NIMC, Tsukuba, Japan. Director of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory - LANOTEC of the National High Technology Center - CENAT, Costa Rica.
PhD. Randy Worobo
Doctorate in Food Microbiology from the University of Alberta, Canada. The research area of Dr. Worobo in the Department of Food Science is the microbiology of fruits, vegetables and beverages. His area of expertise includes food safety, Juice HACCP, non-thermal processing, safety and decomposition of fruits and beverages, peptides and antimicrobial proteins and molds and heat resistant bacteria.