Integral Wellness Webinar: Boost your longevity
Online, Online
October 20, 2021
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Comprehensive well-being is a state that depends on the context and the situation, which includes basic aspects for a good life: freedom and choice, health and bodily well-being, good social relations, security, and peace of mind. Comprehensive well-being is a concept related to the good state of individuals or groups.
The ILSI Mesoamerica Committee on Nutrition and Food Technology is pleased to invite you to a series of free virtual conferences, which will be held on a monthly basis beginning last April.
Guest speakers:
Dr. Juan José Cordero Solís
Doctor, University Professor and Clinical Researcher, University of Costa Rica. Evaluation Coordinator of the ECOM-CR, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica.
Dra. Mónica Salazar VillaneaProfessor and Researcher at the Psychology Research Institute (IIP), University of Costa Rica.
Dr. Luis Carlos Solano Mora
Professor, Researcher, and Coordinator of the MOVI Program, School of Human Movement Sciences and Quality of Life, National University.