Online Course: Technical-scientific update sessions on applications and effects of non-caloric sweeteners in food
Latinoamérica, Latinoamérica
October 8, 2020 – October 29, 2020
Since ancient times, humanity has had a marked preference for sweet foods. At the end of the seventeenth century, it was said that sugar was responsible for causing a large number of diseases and the need arose to find an additive that could replace sugar in food, in addition to the fact that during World War II there was a significant sugar shortage and a shift in aesthetics in favor of a slim figure encouraged women to turn to artificial substitutes. (Durán et al, 2013).
The term sweetener refers to that food additive that is capable of mimicking the sweet effect of sugar and that usually provides less energy. Some of them are natural extracts while others are synthetic, in the latter case they are called artificial sweeteners. The use of non-caloric sweeteners as substitutes for all or part of the sugar content of foods and beverages has had its maximum expansion in the last 35 years. (García-Almeida et al, 2013).
The use of food additives has always been an issue to be considered by the academic and industrial sectors in the process of generating new products and it is important to understand the health implications, the permitted consumption values, and the contribution to the diets of the population both children and adults. There are some concerns regarding the effect that non-caloric sweeteners may have on the oral and intestinal microbiota in healthy consumers. The opportunity to share scientific information on these issues with actors from government entities, academia, and industries will allow us to contribute to the decision-making process for each of the actors in the agri-food sector.
In this sense, the ILSI entities in Mesoamerica and the North-Andean region are pleased to invite you to the technical-scientific update session on applications and effects of non-caloric sweeteners in food.
Modality: it will be developed virtually, 1 module per week for a total of 4 weeks (2 to 2.5 hours per week)
Dates: Thursday 8, Thursday 15, Thursday 22 and Thursday 29 October 2020
- 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. from Costa Rica,
- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. from Colombia.
Materials: virtual certificate of participation will be delivered upon completion of the 4 modules.
Cost: 100% free.
Module 1: Sweetener Opportunities, Types and Trends (October 8, 2020)
Guest speakers:
M.Sc. Francia Madrid González
Regional Director of Business Development Grupo ASEAL - Food Advisory, Costa Rica
- Presentation: Types of sweeteners on the market and commercial opportunities for their use
Dr. Mauricio Restrepo
Technical Director at Ingredientes y Productos Funcionales S.A. Colombia
- Presentation: Situation of the market for non-caloric sweeteners
Video of the session
Module 2: Safety associated with food additives and consumption data for caloric and non-caloric sweeteners in the Latin American population (October 15, 2020)
Guest speakers:
Dra. Indira Sotela
University of La Sabana, Colombia
- Presentation: Non-caloric and low-calorie sweeteners, safety aspects
Dra. Georgina Gómez
Costa Rica University
- Presentation: Consumption of caloric and non-caloric sweeteners in Latin America, based on a study by ELAN
Dr. Santiago Navas Carretero
Department of Food Sciences and Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Nutrition. University of Navarra, Spain
- Presentation: Intake of non-caloric sweeteners and health
Video of the session
Module 3: Impact of the consumption of non-caloric sweeteners on the microbiota and metabolism (October 22, 2020)
Guest speakers:
Dr. Brian Cavagnari
Pediatrician. Graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Presentation: Non-caloric sweeteners in body weight control
Dr. Samuel Durán
President of the College of Nutritionists of Chile. Nutrition Department, University of San Sebastián, Chile
- Presentation: Sweeteners in children, pregnant women, and lactation
Dr. Julio Plaza
Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation (FINUT)
- Presentation: Research associated with the impact of non-caloric sweeteners on the microbiota
Video of the session
Module 4: Sweet taste perception and the incorporation of non-caloric sweeteners in food (29 October 2020)
Guest speakers:
Dra. Adriana Gámbaro García
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Republic, Uruguay
- Presentation: Sweet taste perception and determination of the relative sweetness of non-caloric sweeteners
M.Sc. Francia Madrid González
Regional Director of Business Development Grupo ASEAL - Food Advisory, Costa Rica
- Presentation: Incorporation of non-caloric sweeteners in matrices food technology options
Dra. Annamaria Filomena
University of La Sabana, Colombia
- Presentation: Selection of sweeteners for making pancakes, based on thresholds and sensory profile