Workshop on Risk Analysis Tools for the Regulation Unit of Products of Sanitary Interest of the Ministry of Health
San José, Costa Rica
October 18, 2016
Costa Rica University
The Sanitary Interest Product Regulation Unit of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica asked the Risk Analysis and Biotechnology Committee of ILSI for its collaboration to improve the knowledge of its collaborators through risk science.
For this reason, the collaborators of the scientific team of the CITA-UCR (academic partner of ILSI Mesoamerica) developed a theoretical-practical workshop where a base of technical discussion will be created to make informed decisions.
For this activity, all the inspectors of the Regulation Unit of Costa Rica will participate.
Those responsible for the training were:
- Eng. Rebeca López Calvo, specialist in quality management and food safety and microbiology.
- Eng. Marcy González Vargas, specialist in food microbiology, quality and safety management, fermentation technologies and processing of dairy products.