ILSI Mesoamerica Symposium-Workshop: Food Labeling and Public Health
Panama City, Panama
October 25, 2016
Courtyard Marriott-Multiplaza Mall Hotel
The Nutrition and Food Technology Committee of ILSI Mesoamerica is organizing activities with the objective of improving the technical capacities for the application of regulations regarding general and nutritional food labeling in the region.
One of the activities that is prepared is a Symposium-Workshop that aims to highlight the relationship between nutritional labeling of food and public health. The event will have the participation of representatives of each government of Central America, as well as representatives of FAO, the European Union, academic experts in food legislation, among others.
Cost of the Symposium-Workshop for industry representatives: $150, includes food and materials (information on payment and registration:
Licda. Itzel M. Arjona, M.Sc
Academic and researcher at the Center for Production and Agroindustrial Research (CEPIA) of the Technological University of Panama.
Presentation: Panamanian Food Legislation and General Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
Mgtr. Leticia González de Núñez
Academic and researcher. Head of the Food and Beverage Section of the Specialized Institute of Analysis of the University of Panama.
Presentation: Food labeling and public health workshop.
MSc. Adriana Blanco Metzler.
Researcher of the Health and Nutrition Unit of the Costa Rican Institute of Research and Education in Nutrition and Health (INCIENSA) of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica. Member of the Advisory Technical Commission on the Nutritional Value of Foods of Costa Rica.
Presentation: Food labeling, fundamental tool in the pursuit of public health.
Dr. Alejandra Chaverri Esquivel.
Standardization and Control Unit, Directorate of Regulation in Health, Ministry of Health of Costa Rica. Member of the Advisory Technical Commission on the Nutritional Value of Foods of Costa Rica.
Presentation: CODEX Alimentarius: its importance in health.
Eng. Roberto Mota Maldonado.
Agronomist, consultant with more than 25 years of experience in Quality Assurance of Safety in food production and in MFS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures). Trainer of the PRACAMS program to the Food Industry sector in MSF, export requirements, BPM, BPA and Food Labeling to the European Union and the United States.
Presentation: European Union regulations on food labeling and its impact on public health.
MSc. Edgar Tenorio Sánchez
Academician, consultant and international lecturer with more than 22 years of experience in foreign trade, customs, technical barriers to trade, sanitary-phytosanitary measures and economic integration.
Presentation: Community Law as a tool to guarantee Health.