Symposium The innovation of biomedical metrology applied to quality control in medical equipment
San José, Costa Rica
December 9, 2019
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Hotel Barceló San José Palacio
An event is defined by WHO as “something that happens to a patient or that concerns him” and an adverse event is “An incident related to patient safety is an event or circumstance caused unnecessary damage to a patient”
Currently, in all Central American countries, maintenance of medical devices called biomedical equipment is performed, in order to keep them within the manufacturer's specifications, with the limitations in knowledge, tools and quality controls necessary to minimize risks associated with medical teams with respect to adverse events.
There are some efforts of Ministries of Health such as Costa Rica, where the National Technovigilance System Regulation has, where it directly associates the calibration of medical equipment with the necessary information to determine the risks associated with the equipment. In Panama, Executive Decree 468 of 2007 "By which the Issuance, Renewal, and Suspension of the Certificate of Technical Criteria for Medical Devices is regulated" mentions the maintenance and calibration of medical equipment as a fundamental part.
Given this overview, the Medical Equipment and Supplies Committee presents the conference on biomedical metrology applied to quality control in medical equipment that will be held in the Aquamarine Hall of the Barceló San José Hotel.
Investment: includes coffee breaks and materials.
- 10,000 colones general admission
Information about the registration process:
Guest speakers:
Ing. Miguel Ángel Castro
Director of the Calibration Laboratory
Ph.D. José Roberto Vega-Baudrit
Director of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory
Ph.D. Jorge Cubero
Master of Engineering in Medical Devices
Technological of Costa Rica
Representatives of institutions such as CCSS, INS, MINSA, INTECO