Past Events
I Symposium on the use of natural resources: “Fight against cancer”
December 5, 2017 – December 6, 2017
San José, Costa Rica
Participation in the First Symposium on the use of natural resources: fight against cancer
Webinar: Bases in food fortification
November 16, 2017
Heredia, Costa Rica
Start of a series of trainings on the fortification of mandatory and voluntary food.
Week of Food Safety, Costa Rica 2017
November 9, 2017 – November 10, 2017
San José, Costa Rica
Participation of ILSI Mesoamerica in the Seminar organized by the Ministry of Health, the Secretary of the National Food and Nutrition Policy (SEPAN) and the Interinstitutional Commission for Food Safety (CIIA).
Inauguration National Week of Food Safety
November 6, 2017
San José, Costa Rica
Participation in the Week of Food Safety.
Symposium Health and Food Safety: malnutrition in Guatemalan children
October 16, 2017
Antigua, Guatemala
Commemoration of World Food Day.
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