II Symposium ILSI Mesoamerica-UCIMED
November 9, 2016
San José, Costa Rica
II Symposium on Pharmacovigilance and Technosurveillance within the framework of the National Medical Congress of Costa Rica.
Risk Analysis Symposium
November 2, 2016 – November 3, 2016
San José, Costa Rica
Symposium Tools for Food Risk Analysis.
Symposium-Labeling Workshop
October 25, 2016
Panama City, Panama
Symposium on Nutrition Labeling and Public Health
Technical – Scientific Activity
Risk Analysis Workshop
October 18, 2016
San José, Costa Rica
Workshop on Risk Analysis Tools for the Regulation Unit of Products of Sanitary Interest of the Ministry of Health.
III ILSI Latin America Food Fortification Symposium
May 4, 2016
Guatemala City, Guatemala
III ILSI Latin America Food Fortification Symposium.
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