Protocol for US Fruit and Vegetable Crop Modeling

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28875.23849

Version: 1.0

Background: Fruits and vegetables are important parts of a healthy, balanced diet in our daily lives. Climate change could impact fruit and vegetable production in the United States. Fruit and vegetable production could decline or increase in the current production areas. There may also be opportunities to produce fruit and vegetables in new areas of the United States under future climate scenarios.

Goal: Assess the climate change impact on fruit and vegetable production and potential adaptations, including possible shifts in production area in the United States.

Download the Protocol for US Fruit and Vegetable Crop Modeling
Download Appendix A: Potato (October 2018)
Download Appendix B: Tomato (March 2019)

Archived Versions:

  • Protocol for US Potato Simulations, Version 0.0