1916-1957 of 1957
2019 ILSI Annual Meeting & Science Symposium
Save the date for ILSI’s 2019 Annual Meeting.
2019 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Plant Biologists
Session II: Plant Translational Biology/NBT
Regulatory approaches to gene edited crops in key countries
2018 정기총회 & 이사회
이사회, 회원사께 2017년 업무 및 2018년도 사업계획안과 예산안 보고
ILSI Korea의 발전방향 논의
2018 International Symposium on Pesticide Residues: ‘Import Tolerance of Pesticides on Foods’
ILSI Korea and Daegu University co-organize the symposium to address regulatory aspect of pesticides and IT setting in foriegn countries and discuss harmonized ways for promoting global import/export of agricultural commodities. This symposium is hosted by RDA in Korea.
2018 International Symposium on Pesticide Residues ‘Import Tolerance of Pesticides on Foods’
미국, 일본, 대만, 한국의 IT설정 규정 및 방법에 대한 정보공유와 수출식품의 IT설정을 위한 자문을 얻는 자리를 갖고자 합니다.