1951-1957 of 1957
10th Seminar on Nutrition Labeling, Claims and Communication Strategies
10th Scientific Seminar on Prebiotics & Probiotics: Role in Promoting Gut Microbiota & Health – A Scientific and Regulatory Update
10th ILSI BeSeTo Meeting & Mini-Symposium
The 10th ILSI BeSeTo Meeting, hosted by ILSI Taiwan, will be convened on 13-14 September, 2018 at The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei, Taiwan. Staff and member representatives of ILSI Focal Point in China, ILSI Japan, ILSI Korea, ILSI Southeast Asia Region and ILSI Taiwan will attend the meeting.
Nutrition Reviews publishes new research supplement on human milk banks
‘Omics’ Technologies in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2012; 27(1):12-24. Commissioned by the Risk Analysis in Food Microbiology Task Force.