Symposium Chairs

Michael Doyle, PhD
University of Georgia

Kerr Dow, PhD
Cargill, Incorporated
Session 1: Food Systems Transformation
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Introduction to the 2021 ILSI Symposium – ILSI Global Co-Chairs: Mike Doyle, PhD, University of Georgia, United States (retired) and Kerr Dow, PhD, Cargill Incorporated United States (retired)
Session Chair: Maha Tahiri, PhD, Nutrition Sustainability Strategies LLC, United States
- Thinking beyond Sustainability: The Need to Negotiate Food Systems Resilience, John Ingram, PhD, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- How is Research and Innovation Policy Driving Sustainable, Healthy and Inclusive Food Systems? Karen Fabbri, PhD, Deputy Head of Unit Bioeconomy & Food Systems at European Commission, Belgium
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Orbillion: Building the Future of Meat, Patricia Bubner, CEO of Orbillion, United States
- BLUU - Cultivated Fish as a Sustainable Protein Source, Simon Fabich, co-founder of Bluu Biosciences, Germany
- Panel Discussion: Speakers and Shenggen Fan (Chair Professor, and Dean, Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy China Agricultural University, China)
Session 2: The Microbiome beyond the Gut
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Chair: Christian Hoffmann, PhD, University of São Paulo, Brasil
- Soil Microbiomes and Crop Health: Are soil microbiomes the key to sustainable cropping? Linda Kinkel, PhD, University of Minnesota, United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Microbiomes, Ecosystem Functions and Sustainable Agriculture, Brajesh Singh, PhD, Global Centre for Land-Based Innovation, Australia
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- The Oral Microbiome, Oral Health Resilience and Systemic Health, Egija Zaura, PhD, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Microbiome and Neurobiology of Behavior: Philip Burnet, PhD, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
Session 3: Innovative Packaging
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Co-Chairs: Ana Francis Carballo Arce, PhD, National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica and Thomas Gude, PhD, Swiss Quality Testing Services (SQTS), Switzerland
- The Road Towards Fully Cellulosic Barrier Materials: Possible Alternatives to Plastics, Caroline Locre, CTP - The Pulp and Paper Research & Technical Centre, France
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Fighting Plastic Pollution with Innovative Food Packaging, Nathalie Gontard, PhD, INRAE, France
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Renewable Materials Obtained from Agriculture and Aquaculture Residues in Costa Rica, the Experience of POLIUNA, Chemistry Department, Universidad Nacional, Marianelly Esquivel Alfaro, Msc., National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Compostable Packaging: Technical Possibilities, Consumer Attitudes and Behaviours in the UK and China, Caroline Orfila, PhD, School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, on behalf of the Citrusafe consortium
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
Session 4: Advances in Enhancing the Microbiology Safety of Foods
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Chair: Mike Doyle, PhD, University of Georgia, United States (retired)
- Foodborne Disease Outbreak Detection and Surveillance Using Whole Genome Sequencing, Kelley Hise, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Advances in Metagenomic Approaches to Detect Foodborne Pathogens, Henk den Bakker, PhD, University of Georgia, United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Applications and Future Potential of Next Generation Sequencing in Food Safety, Marc Allard, PhD, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Impacts and Risk of COVID-19 in the Essential Workforce of the Food Supply Chain, Lee-Ann Jaykus, PhD, North Carolina State University, United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
Session 5: Considerations for Implementing Globally Harmonized Nutrient Reference Values
Session sponsored by the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Co-Chairs: Connie Weaver, PhD, Purdue University Distinguished Professor Emerita & CEO Weaver and Associates Consulting LLC., United States and Emorn Udomkesmalee (PhD, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand & Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, United States)
- Introduction to the Session, Connie Weaver, PhD, Purdue University Distinguished Professor Emerita & CEO Weaver and Associates Consulting LLC., United States
- The Current Status of Developing Harmonized NRVs, Lindsay Allen, PhD, USDA ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center, University of California, Davis, United Sates
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Regulation and Labeling Considerations for Implementing Harmonized NRVs, Anna Lartey, PhD, University of Ghana, Ghana
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- A Case Study of NRV Development and Implementation, Anura Kurpad, PhD, St John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India
- Implementing Globally Harmonized NRVs Moderated Panel Discussion – Moderator: Connie Weaver; Panelists: Lindsay Allen, Anna Lartey, Anura Kurpad, and Emorn Udomkesmalee
Session 6: Alternative Proteins
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Co-Chairs: Louise Dye, PhD, Leeds University, United Kingdom and Catherine Lefranc Millot, PhD, Roquette, France
- Scalable Technologies for the Production of Alternative Proteins: A Review, Blake Byrne, The Good Food Institute, United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Alternative Proteins: Consumers and Market Landscape, Armando Perez-Cueto, PhD, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Food Safety Considerations of Alternative Proteins, Clare Mills, PhD, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Nutrition and Alternative Proteins, Emanuele Zannini, PhD, University College Cork, Ireland & European Union funded Smart Protein project coordinator
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
Session 7: Greenhouse Gases from the Food Supply Chain: Paths to Mitigation and Sustainability
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Co-Chairs: Geoffry Smith, Nutrition Strategies International Pte. Ltd., Singapore and François Eudes, PhD, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It. The Why, the What and the So-What of Greenhouse Gas Assessments in the Dairy Chain, Jeremy Hill, PhD, Fonterra, New Zealand
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Rethinking Methane: Uncovering Climate Solutions within Animal Agriculture, Frank Mitloehner, PhD, University of California, Davis, United Sates
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- The Potential of Regenerative Agriculture for Carbon Management and Sustainability, Rattan Lal, PhD, The Ohio State University, United States; 2020 World Food Prize
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Science for Agriculture – Thinking Outside the Box, John R. Tafkaj Porter, PhD, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Panel discussion with the speakers and Beata Madari, PhD, Embrapa, Brazil
Session 8: COVID-19: Nutritional Vulnerabilities and Food Supply Challenges
Please note: The video recordings of individual talks are linked to the presentation titles highlighted in bold, blue text below.
Session Co-Chairs: Philip Calder, PhD, University of Southampton, United Kingdom and Geoffry Smith, Nutrition Strategies International Pte. Ltd., Singapore
- Control of Viral Infection: what is the Role of Nutrition? Philip Calder, PhD, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Aging and Immunity, Tamas Fülöp, PhD, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Dietary Fibers and Immunity: Paul de Vos, PhD, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
- COVID-19 and the Food Supply Chain Disruption, Paul Ziemnisky, MBA, Dairy Management Inc., United States
- The transcript of this presentation is available here. (PDF)
- Panel Discussion with the Speakers
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