Press conference on Taiwan Elderly Healthy Aging and Sarcopenia

Press conference on Taiwan Elderly Healthy Aging and Sarcopenia
Taipei, Taiwan
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Fifth Conference Room, Chih-Teh Building, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Press Release

Click Here (in Chinese)

Pictures of the Event


Welcome Remark from ILSI Taiwan President

Chih- Cheng Hsu, MD, DrPH, shared his research outcomes on "Ideal Body Weight in the elderly".

Dr. Wen Harn Pan talked about protein nutrition to elderly health.

Dr. Ching Jang Huang, Chair of ILSI Taiwan Nutrition Committee, was interviewed by reporters.

Group picture of all the speakers.

Video News coverage

Taiwan Television News (in Chinese)

Public Television News (in Chinese)

MACTV News (in English)


For more information, please visit our Chinese web page, or contact Ms. Lily Chen.