World Health Day 2017

World Health Day 2017

World Health Day

From the World Health Organization
"7 April 2017 – "WHO is leading a one-year global campaign on depression. The highlight is World Health Day 2017, celebrated today. The goal of the campaign is that more people with depression, everywhere in the world, both seek and get help. Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. More than 300 million people are now living with depression, an increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2015."

ILSI supports World Health Day 2017 efforts to raise awareness of this often overlooked health and wellness issue. Check out WHO's campaign goals, online resources, and information on how you can get involved:

WHO World Health Day 2017

Aging, Nutrition, & Cognitive Health

ILSI Europe

Learn about the Nutrition & Mental Performance Task Force and its work to understand the role foods  and food ingredients play in maintaining cognitive health late into life.

Diet & the Aging Brain

ILSI Europe

Read the 2016 publication "Nutrition for the Ageing Brain: Towards Evidence for an Optimal Diet" in Ageing Research Reviews. It presents science on how dietary nutrients may affect cognitive aging.

Modulation of prenatal stress via docosahexaenoic acid

Nutrition Reviews

Read Kate Keenan and Alison Hipwell's 2015 "Modulation of prenatal stress via docosahexaenoic acid supplementation: implications for child mental health" in Nutrition Reviews. The potential for an emerging field of nutritionally based perinatal preventive interventions for improving offspring mental health is described.
