ILSI India Publications

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Monograph on “Nutrient Risk Assessment – Vitamins, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds”

The Monograph provides detailed information about Nutrient Risk Assessment of Vitamins, Minerals and Bioactive Compounds, methodology used for NRA, deriving safe limits for nutrients, exposure assessment and risk characterization etc. The Executive Summary of this Monograph is available freely from ILSI India website. It can be viewed at: To get a copy of the Monograph please writes to us at

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Status Paper on “Global Initiatives to Reduce Post-Harvest Food Losses and Waste” by ILSI India and ICAR-CIPHET

This Paper is intended to create better understanding and highlights the recent technologies, innovative solutions (including e-commerce platforms for marketing, and mobile food processing systems), new ways of working, and good practices to manage food quality and reduce food loss and waste. This paper can serves as useful reference for scientific as well as social community, policy makers and researchers and provide guidance for developing new practices and will be useful for formulating strategies to check post-harvest loses and waste.

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More about ILSI India’s research work on nutrition, food safety and sustainability can be found here: