ILSI: Collaborative science for safe, nutritious and sustainable food.
ILSI is a global, nonprofit federation committed to improving public and planetary health by convening international experts from academia, the public sector, the private sector, and other NGOs to advance evidence-based scientific research. Learn more about our mission, vision, and operating principles.
We operate within a framework of the highest principles of scientific integrity. Our trusted professionals and volunteers around the world work synergistically and transparently across sectors and disciplines.
Our organization has evolved tremendously over the past several years, and ILSI has had many accomplishments, including:
- Collaborative, precompetitive research activities.
- Achievements in organizational transparency.
- Continued commitment to scientific integrity and the public interest.
- A pristine track record of published and peer-reviewed scientific articles.
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In the Media
We contribute to international scientific conversations, and our research is often cited in the media.
Read more of ILSI's media coverage, and learn about our great work!
Integrity in Science
Scientific Integrity is essential to developing sound science that benefits society.
We believe researchers from academia and the public and private sectors can and should work together on science and health issues of common interest or concern. Public-private collaboration – where all interests, conflicts and biases are declared and all funding is acknowledged – can improve the science used to promote the health and safety of the public and the environment.

ILSI is a non-profit, charitable organization organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. ILSI does not engage in lobbying or political activities. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. tax law.