ILSI India Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposia
New Delhi , India
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
It has always been an endeavor of ILSI India to look at the strategies for improving public health. It has conducted several programs including conferences seminars, workshops, training programs and sponsored research and published monographs and articles in scientific journals for building food and nutrition security, improving lifestyle science based approaches including technologies for improving quality and safety of foods and food ingredient. At the time of 2023 ILSI India Annual Meeting it will organize 2 Scientific Symposia as mentioned below:
Scientific Symposium 1
Nutrient Risk Assessment – Is It A Tool for Ensuring Safe Use & Improving Nutrition Status
The food safety ecosystem is evolving and trying to find out areas of interests and innovation to cater to diverse needs of the consumers without compromising the safety aspects. In India, there is growing interest to identify upper levels of intake for nutrients and related substances which can be used as tool for improving nutrition status of the population in general and demands of personalized nutrition in particular. However, keeping the safety of the product and consumer health on priority, ILSI India would like to further this discussion by examining scientific arguments to establish upper levels which could be the best possible answer to the growing demand.
The WHO defines the upper level of intake (UL) as “the maximum level of habitual intake from all sources of a nutrient or related substance judged to be unlikely to lead to adverse health effects in humans”. Nutrient risk assessment (NRA) approach is a science-based approach and is used for determining ULs. Authoritative scientific bodies in major regions/ countries such as European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) USA, Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) UK, etc. as also Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) National Institute of Nutrition, India have done considerable work in this area, wherein ICMR has established and recognized the same in RDA 2020 document.
• To discuss the importance of Nutrition for healthy life, immunity, healthy aging and in the context of preventing / managing Communicable diseases including pandemic like Covid-19 and non-communicable diseases.
• To discuss the usefulness of Nutrient Risk Assessment as a tool for setting up safe Upper Levels for Nutrients consumed through all sources from public health perspective.
• To look at international approaches and public health experience the context of using NRA for determining safe Upper Levels.
• To scientifically examine risks as well as benefits claimed to be associated with Nutrient Risk Assessment and setting up safe Upper Levels for Nutrients.
Scientific Symposium 2
Building a Resilient Food Security System–From Farm to Fork
Concerns for food safety have increased globally in recent times with new/emerging food safety risks and increase in the volume of international food trade. An integrated, multidisciplinary based surveillance approach that considers the entire food chain is t important for food safety assurance. Recently, the WHO has described the concept of integrated food chain surveillance as a holistic approach for controlling food safety risks across the entire food chain. Many developed countries have set up the integrated food chain surveillance system. It is important to examine its applicability in developing countries including India.
The India’s population will increase from 1.4 billion currently to 1.7 billion by 2050 and global population from 8 billion to 9.7 billion by 2050. It will be quite challenging to ensure food security to all particularly in the current climate change scenario. While use of new technologies to increase productivity is one of the approaches, another approach could be to save food losses from farm to fork. Grain saved is equivalent to grain produced.
• Review the importance of surveillance and monitoring in ensuring food safety.
• Look at the concept and elements of integrated food chain surveillance system.
• Examine the application of the integrated food chain surveillance system in the Indian context and discuss the model action/activity plan.
• Present the recent technological interventions in reducing post-harvest loss in the world
• Discuss advancement in post-harvest management, supply chain, processing and value addition in the world and challenges.
• Explore initiatives taken by different countries to check post-harvest food losses and wastage including quality and safety regulations and discuss how such initiatives can be implemented in the country to strengthen food and nutrition security.
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Last date for registration is 30 November.