ILSI India Publications

White Papers/Reports

White Paper on Integrated Food Chain Surveillance for Enhancing Food Safety- A Model Approach

Safety of food and water is of paramount importance in the public health domain. Safety concerns include all those hazards which make food injurious to health. Specific of these food hazards are chemical and microbiological contaminants, biological toxins, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, and allergens.

It is important that a National Food Control System should be such that the consumer is protected from unsafe food. The integrated food chain surveillance system is being recognized as a holistic approach in various developed countries for controlling food safety risks across the entire food chain.

Keeping the aforesaid considerations in view the current White Paper on “Integrated Food Chain Surveillance for Enhancing Food Safety- A Model Approach” captures some of the critical areas of operation that need to be addressed holistically. The application, feasibility and usefulness of the Integrated Food Chain Surveillance system is explored from a developing country perspective including India through a review of literature and designing a “Model Activity Plan” of the integrated food chain surveillance in the Indian context.

The White Paper can be viewed at:

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Compilation of Journal Articles on Functional Foods , Gut Microbiome , Immunity and Health

Under “K-FFIG Resource Center”, this is compilations of  around 600    studies published recently (2018 onward)  in peer reviewed journals and publications  Microbiome and Gut Health; Immunity and Probiotic; Prebiotics; Functional Foods; Gut Microbiome and Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Gut Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance. It has been updated on March 7,2023.

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Report of Roundtable on LIFE-Lifestyle for Environment

The Roundtable mainly discussed innovative approaches and mitigation strategies for GHGe particularly in the areas of Agriculture, Nutrition and Dietary Habits, Lifestyle, Food Processing Activities, Water , Waste Management and Packaging .

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Report on Nutrition and Health for All (NAHA)

This Report looks at current nutrition status of Indian population as indicated by National Surveys including NFHS-5 survey and lists strategies to tackle the problems of malnutrition and other nutrition related issues like non-communicable diseases.

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More about ILSI India’s research work on nutrition, food safety and sustainability can be found here: