ILSI Taiwan Press Conferences Series
ILSI Taiwan was formally established as the sixteenth branch of the ILSI network in 2013. Since then, as the newest branch within the network, ILSI Taiwan has worked hard to establish itself in Taiwan as a unique scientific platform, combining the resources of industry, academia, and government to improve health and wellness both locally and in the greater global context.
As part of our communications strategy to further develop awareness of ILSI Taiwan as a professional and neutral scientific organization, we began to hold press conferences in 2015, scheduled in conjunction with major holidays in Taiwan and designed to address holiday-specific themes and topics for maximum press coverage. We also combine our significant events or symposia with a press conference, inviting scientists to have opportunities talking science with the media.
Our communications efforts remain a work in progress as we strive to share and showcase all that ILSI Taiwan has accomplished in the past years and all that ILSI Taiwan is currently doing. As we continue to grow and develop as an organization, we hope to establish these channels of communication for information sharing and to reach out to greater audiences.
ILSI Taiwan Quarterly Newsletter
Inaugurated in July 2015, ILSI Taiwan published its quarterly newsletter in Chinese, providing brief reports of our recent events, upcoming events and other related information to our members.
Click Here to read all of our newsletters (in Chinese)
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ILSI Taiwan Food Myths Solution Handbook
Over the past few years, a series of overpublicized food safety issues in Taiwan, compounded by the circulation of misleading or misinterpreted reports online and through media, has resulted in the significant reduction of consumer confidence in food safety. Unfortunately, because food safety is such a specialized topic, without prior expertise or knowledge, it is difficult for the average layperson to truly understand issues of food safety, resulting in further misunderstanding and a general attitude of apprehension to anything related to food safety.
Although no easy obstacle to tackle, ILSI Taiwan is publishing a handbook that addresses nine frequently encountered food safety topics, including food additives, food processing, labeling practices, inspection procedures, and nutritional information as part of our newest communications strategy. Intended specifically for the media and for general consumers as the audience, each topic is tackled by an expert from that field, but written in the simplest language possible and accompanied by an abundance of visual aids. The contact information of each expert is provided, such that readers can easily connect with an expert if they have further questions about the content. The goal of the handbook is to hopefully correct some current misconceptions that the public holds about food safety, but also, in the greater scheme, to provide the public with a simple yet comprehensive resource to use and reference if such issues are encountered.
Click Here to read the publication (in Chinese).
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