Staff & Leadership

ILSI Staff

ILSI's Stéphane Vidry, PhD

Stéphane Vidry, PhD

Global Executive Director

ILSI's Katherine Broendel, MA

Katherine Broendel, MA

Director of Communications

ILSI's James Cameron, MA

James Cameron, MA

Senior Publications Manager

Tasija Karosas ILSI Headshot

Tasija Karosas, MS, MPH

Scientific Project Manager

ILSI's Lori Thomas

Lori Thomas

ILSI Global Program Associate

ILSI Board of Trustees

The individuals who serve on the ILSI Board of Trustees bring a range of expertise, experience, and perspective to their work defining and achieving ILSI's goals. These individuals are unpaid volunteers who take their scientific and fiduciary responsibilities to the organization seriously. They serve on the ILSI Board of Trustees as individuals and do not represent their employers.

Todd K. Abraham, PhD

Todd K. Abraham, PhD

Mondelēz International (Retired)
Co-Chair, ILSI Board of Trustees

Sushila Chang, PhD

Sushila Chang, PhD

Griffith University
Co-Chair, ILSI Board of Trustees 

Susanne Kettler, PhD

Susanne Kettler, PhD


Ming-Ju Chen

Ming-Ju Chen, PhD

National Taiwan University

Jelena Helene Cvejic - ILSI Global

Jelena Hélène Cvejic, PhD

University of Novi Sad

Louise Dye, PhD

Louise Dye, PhD

University of Leeds
United Kingdom

Carla Murillo_ILSI Global Board

Carla Murillo, MSc., MBA

Griffith Foods
Costa Rica

Cristina Nerín, PhD

Cristina Nerín, PhD

University of Zaragoza

Emorn Udomkesmalee

Emorn Udomkesmalee, PhD

Mahidol University

Connie Weaver, PhD

Connie Weaver, PhD

San Diego State University & Weaver and Associates Consulting LLC.
United States

Kerr Dow, PhD

Kerr Dow, PhD

Cargill, Incorporated (Retired)
Past Co-Chair, ILSI Board of Trustees 


Michael Doyle, PhD

Michael Doyle, PhD

University of Georgia (Retired)
Past Co-Chair, ILSI Board of Trustees 


Institutional affiliations are provided for purposes of identification only. Trustees serve in an individual capacity, not as representatives of their organizations.