ILSI 2024 Annual Meeting Session 5 – Food Safety and Nutrition: Current and Future Trends in the Context of Global Climate Change and Sustainability Initiatives
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 | 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.
Over the last two decades, we have experienced unprecedented changes in weather patterns, including numerous catastrophic events, as a result of global climate change. These have had a trickle-down effect on production and processing of foods for human consumption, including impacts on nutrition and food safety. One means by which these impacts are being addressed is through implementation of sustainability initiatives. The speakers will address the real and anticipated challenges of climate change to public health as related to the food supply chain, with illustration of relevant sustainability efforts and goals being adopted by food industry stakeholders.
Chair: Lee-Ann Jaykus, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University, USA
Featuring presentations from:
- Food Safety: Future Trends in the Context of Science, Sustainability, and Climate Change – Lee-Ann Jaykus, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University, USA
- Addressing Complexity in a Complex World - Approaches to Understanding the Intersection of Climate/Environmental Change (CEC), Food Systems, Diet, Nutrition and Health – Daniel J. Raiten, PhD, FASN, NIH Office of Nutrition Research, USA
- Connection Creates Impact: The Challenges and Opportunities for Industry to Collaborate and Create Change Together – Sarah Ludmer, RD, WK Kellogg Co, USA
Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor Emeritus affiliated with the Department of Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences at North Carolina State University, USA
In addition to her role as Session Chair, Dr. Jaykus will present, "Food Safety: Future Trends in the Context of Science, Sustainability, and Climate Change."
Abstract: Many aspects of the food supply are impacted by global climate change, not the least of which is safety. This presentation will begin with an introduction on how climate change is impacting the safety of the food supply, and what this might look like in future decades. Since sustainability initiatives are often implemented, at least in part, to address the effects of climate change, a few examples of sustainability efforts with direct applicability to food safety, will also be provided. Participants should come away with a better understanding of the issues facing food safety in a world in which environmental impacts are rapidly evolving.
Lee-Ann Jaykus is an emeritus professor who worked for North Carolina State University for nearly 30 years. She had an active research program in food microbiology and risk assessment and is probably best known for her work directing the USDA-NIFA Food Virology Collaborative (NoroCORE). Her interest in the affects of global climate change on food safety dates back over 20 years. Dr. Jaykus has mentored over 60 young scientists, supervised extramural funding in excess of $40 million, and authored over 200 publications. She has been a member of many national and international expert panels and is a former president of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP).