At ILSI, we bring science and research to diverse audiences through a wide range of events. From independent symposia and workshops to hands-on training sessions, we host, sponsor, and co-organize events that foster learning and collaboration. Many of ILSI's events are also featured as part of larger scientific and professional conferences, further expanding opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and discovery. Join us!

Upcoming Events
Webinar Bienestar Integral: Comer para Bien – Estar
Online, Online
- ILSI Mesoamerica
Integral Wellness Webinar: Eating for Good – Being
Online, Online
- ILSI Mesoamerica-EN
Webinar Series on Innovative Tools for Nutrition and Food Guidance
GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Curso “Suplementos Alimentares: Quando é necessário suplementar?”
2021-06-15 – 2021-06-29
Sessão Virtual, Brasil
- ILSI Brasil
FT Nutrientes e Suplementos Alimentares. O curso irá abordar os aspectos básicos sobre suplementos alimentares, bem como a utilização na prática clínica em diferentes contextos de saúde e faixa etária e por fim, os aspectos de regulamentação.
Conversatorio: Ambientes promotores de paz, mediante la actividad fìsica, en escolares de Honduras (San Pedro Sula) y Nicaragua
Online, Online
- ILSI Mesoamerica
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