At ILSI, we bring science and research to diverse audiences through a wide range of events. From independent symposia and workshops to hands-on training sessions, we host, sponsor, and co-organize events that foster learning and collaboration. Many of ILSI's events are also featured as part of larger scientific and professional conferences, further expanding opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and discovery. Join us!

Webinar Micronutrientes e Inmunidad
Santiago, Chile
Biotecnologia na Agricultura Brasileira: Histórico e Segurança
2020-11-05 – 2020-11-12
Sessão Virtual, Go to Webinar
Uma atividade da FT Biotecnologia. O webinar será dividido em dois blocos
Webinar on The Safety, Benefit and Uses of Low/No Calorie Sweeteners
Jakarta, Indonesia
Webinar: Bioeconomía: casos de éxitos y aprendizajes
San José, Costa Rica
Webinar: Bioeconomy: success stories and lessons learned
San José, Costa Rica
Oct 18, 2020
Session 1: An introduction to Low/ No-Calorie Sweetener
- LNCS Program and Regulation in Indonesia
Dr. Dra. Sutanti Siti Namtini, Apt, Ph.D, Director, BPOM Processed Food Standardization, Indonesia - Global Perspective on LNCS: Scientific Approach & Safety Assessment of LNCS
Dr. Ashley Roberts, President, ARToxicology Inc., Canada (*tbc) - Managing the Safety Risk of LNCS
Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Vice-Chair, Codex / Professor, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
- LNCS Program and Regulation in Indonesia
Oct 18, 2020
LNCS Benefits for Health and Product Innovation/ Reformulation
- Science Evidence-Based Support: Impact of LNCS and the Health Outcomes
Dr. John Sievenpiper, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada - The Role of LNCS for Product Reformulation & Innovation
Mr. Adhi S. Lukman, Chairman, GAPMMI, Indonesia - Discussion
LNCS Challenge & Opportunity;
How to address/connect the risk assessment and risk management of LNCS in Indonesia
- Science Evidence-Based Support: Impact of LNCS and the Health Outcomes
- Summary and Next Steps
Prof. Dedi Fardiaz, Professor, SEAFAST Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia