Task Force #12
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013;61(35):8260-8266
Abstract: In the process of developing a biotechnology product, thousands of genes and transformation events are evaluated to select the event that will be commercialized. The ideal event is identified on the basis of multiple characteristics including trait efficacy, the molecular characteristics of the insert, and agronomic performance. Once selected, the commercial event is subjected to a rigorous safety evaluation taking a multipronged approach including examination of the safety of the gene and gene product – the protein, plant performance, impact of cultivating the crop on the environment, agronomic performance, and equivalence of the crop/food to conventional crops/food – by compositional analysis. The compositional analysis is composed of a comparison of the nutrient and antinutrient composition of the crop containing the event, its parental line (variety), and other conventional lines (varieties). Different geographies have different requirements for the compositional analysis studies. Parameters that vary include the number of years (seasons) and locations (environments) to be evaluated, the appropriate comparator(s), analytes to be evaluated, and statistical analysis. Specific examples of compositional analysis results will be presented.
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