Journal Articles, Monographs & More

ILSI entities around the world publish scientific articles on original research, literature reviews and gap analyses, as well as meeting proceedings in peer-reviewed journals and publications. Not one of the 1,000+ articles that ILSI has published over the last 45 years has ever been retracted. ILSI also publishes books, monographs, white papers, other scientific reports, annual reports and newsletters.

ILSI's flawless scientific publication track record, its commitment to the highest scientific standards and its adherence to rigorous scientific principles demonstrate its scientific integrity.

ILSI's publications are listed below by publication date, from the newest article to the oldest. You can also filter the list by title or publication type.

Z to A

Efecto de la intervención “escuelas activas móviles” en tiempos de pandemia sobre la percepción de la autoeficacia, disfrute y el nivel de actividad física en la niñez costarricense y panameña

Este estudio tuvo como propósito examinar el efecto de la intervención de escuelas activas móviles sobre la autoeficacia hacia la actividad física, el disfrute por la actividad y la percepción del nivel de actividad física, en la niñez costarricense y panameña en tiempos de pandemia por COVID-19.

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                    [post_title] => Effect of Acute Exercise on Uncoupling Protein 3 Is a Fat Metabolism Mediated Effect
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